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It was several weeks later the knock came at the door of the L'Ange household.

Getting up from the table, Travis walked to the door and pulled it open.

He gave the man on the doorstep a once over.

"Go the fuck away, we have no money."

The man at the door scratched at his scraggly scruff of a beard, and smiled a little too friendly.

"Oh, come on, Trav-man, you don't even know why I'm here!"

"Ten bucks says I can guess. And don't call me that." Travis muttered.

Nyx wandered through from the kitchen.
"Who is it, Travis?"

"It's Jackson scrounging for cash again!" Travis called back to her.

"Tell him we have no money!" Came the reply.

Jackson was renowned for guaranteed-to-fail business ideas, and borrowing money to fund said business ideas.

He was actually fairly likeable, personality-wise, like that fun uncle you had visit at Christmas time and Thanksgiving who knew magic tricks and hilarious jokes, would give you a run for your money at your favourite video game, and had a million different stories to tell you about the time he used to own a DeLorean.
However, that was overshadowed by how irritatingly irresponsible he was, especially when it came to money.

And somehow it had ended up that the L'Ange's were somehow expected to be obliged to help him out.

It probably had something to do with the weird on-again, off-again relationship he and Rachel had been in for a few years now. Nothing serious, more of a friends with benefits situation, but somehow Jackson believed that gave him the right to turn up and ask for cash every few once in a while.

They'd tried to encourage Rachel to ditch him, told her she could do so much better.
Rachel had told them she was perfectly comfortable with this relationship, thank you very much, because she didn't want anything serious right now, and  he had a cute butt.

Nobody had argued. They'd all been too busy mentally gagging.

Well, each to their own.

"Oh, come on!" Jackson cried. "What happened to don't judge a book by it's cover!"

"I'm not, I'm judging it by it's history."

"Oh come on, were practically family... No?"

Travis's and Nyx's unimpressed expressions said it all as they shut the door on him.

Okay, just so you know, Jackson is literally only here for comic relief.
And to fulfill a promise to my sister that she could invent a character.
Apparently mentioning him once in book 1 just wasn't going to cut it.
Anyway... CaptainPendragon42

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