Broken Pieces

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"I want out." Maddie said flatly, as Sebastian checked and adjusted her manacles.

"Want all you like." He replied dryly, not even looking up at her.

His cold attitude towards her was not necessarily unwarranted; she'd tried to kick him in the face but a few minutes ago, leading to the situation now where her chains were being altered to restrict her movements.

Maddie shrugged, expression exaggeratedly innocent. "Well, it was worth a shot."

"Jonathan, talk to me." Jocelyn said, a desperate look shining in her eyes. "Tell me what you want."

He didn't respond, almost seeming to choose to ignore her, as he focused solely on securing Maddie.

"... Are you going to pay her any attention at all?" Maddie snarked. "Or is that not the reason you're keeping us here?"

"Shut up. You know nothing."

"How about you enlighten me then? I mean, you did ignore us for half the night."

"Madeline, can you maybe stop talking for a second?" Jocelyn said exasperatedly. "You're not helping."

"You're not helping either! Like, seriously woman! What are you even thinking?"

"Shut up!"

Both women jumped out of their skin, instantly snapping silent as he barked angrily at them.

As they watched, he stumbled, his face twisted into an almost-snarl, eyes screwing shut as his hands clutched his head.

Both women shared looks of concern, each for their own reasons; looking from him to each other, and then back to him again with wary eyes.

He gave a full-bodied shudder, then straightened up, breathing hard, before blinking open his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Jocelyn asked, looking concerned.

He responded with a dry laugh. "Everything." He ground the heel of his palm into his brow. "It's all... Broken."

"Oh..." Jocelyn's voice was soft and sympathetic, and Maddie just got the impression that she wanted to get up and wrap her arms around him.

"Mother..." His voice was so quiet, more like the word was an escaped thought than something he'd meant to say. "Help me..."

Maddie pulled a face. '... Dear God, is she seriously buying this?'

"How? Tell me how?"

If Maddie's movement wasn't so restricted, she would have facepalmed. Was this woman insane, or did she just have a death wish?

With almost tentative movements, he crossed the floor in a couple of steps, before dropping to sit next to Jocelyn, a courteous space between them.

"How are you even alive?" Jocelyn breathed.

"I got given a second chance." He said, lips twitching a smile; a distant, dreamlike look in his eyes. Then his face fell. "But it's not working. I'm being torn in two, mother. It's all so wrong. I feel it, inside my head..."

"Shh, shh." Jocelyn soothed. "You said I could help you. How can I help you?"

"I want it gone. And I thought, if I used your blood..."

"This sounds like a bad idea." Maddie said flatly.

"Shut up!"

Maddie physically flinched at the volume of his voice, but kept her persona harsh and firm. "You're going to try and use her blood to heal yourself? Okay, I can see it in theory, but God that could go so wrong!"

"You don't know anything-!" He spat venomously at her.

"And neither do you! You don't know if this'll work, I doubt you even know what to do... You are talking about randomly experimenting on yourselves, and hoping the die rolls lucky!"

"Madeline, please..." Jocelyn pleaded, but Maddie cut her off.

"No! I am talking! And I'm not letting anyone start some crazy back-street medical experiment! Do you even have anyone with actual knowledge of this stuff?" She confronted him. "And another thing! You want to be better, and not ruin your second chance? Don't kidnap people!"

"Shut up! Shut up!" His hands went to his head, gripping his hair almost painfully; eyes wide, almost with the panic of a caged animal, trapped and ready to lash out.

"I can't... I can't..."

And turning on his heel, he fled upstairs, closing the basement up behind him.
Seconds later, a loud smashing sound echoed from above, as some unfortunate household object became victim to his wrath.

"Madeline..." Jocelyn sighed. "Did you have to do that? I was getting through to him!"

"No, you weren't! You were handing him whatever he wanted! Stopping, Maddie took a breath, calming herself. "Look, I know you want your son back. I get it, I really do. I'm a mother myself. But people I love are in danger because of him! And getting out to them is my priority."

Slowly, Jocelyn nodded, understanding Maddie's words; a small tear dripping down her cheek.

"I'm not going to give up."

"Well, neither am I."


The lamps were beginning to light up overhead as Evelyn walked back to the motel along the grey pavement, shopping bags weighing heavy on her arms.

Hearing the faint sound of footsteps behind her, she looked; and saw the familiar figure, lacking the dark glasses she'd come to find characteristic of him.


"Lady Mater." He greeted her formally. "Evelyn. I need to talk to you."

Evelyn nodded, slowly. "Right... Go ahead, tell me. I can't promise you anything, but I will listen."

"I need your help."

"Okay... Just remember, I have helped you in the past, more than most would see as reasonable. And right now, I have other people I have to take care of. People I have to find residence for. Children I have to sort out education for. A house to recover. And right now, I really should be getting this stuff home. Good day."

She began to walk away, but suddenly, he snatched her wrist, making her drop her bag in surprise as she jerked to a halt.

"It involves your daughter."

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