Relaxing Breakfast

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"...I don't want 'nanas on my pancakes. Don't put 'nanas on my pancakes, Mummy, they're yucky. Mummy, Mummy, don't put 'nanas on mine. Mummy, don't put dem on, okay? I don't like dem. No 'nanas, got dat?"

"Yes, I heard you the first time, William." Luci said, tending pancakes on the stove, looking particularly sunny and over-cheery this morning in a tooth-achingly pink trophy wife apron as she dashed about the kitchen. "No banana's on your pancakes. Got it."

"Yes, because dey are horwwible 'n yucky 'n slimy."

"I've got strawberries and blueberries, are they alright?"

Billy deliberated for a moment, but nodded.
"I want stwarbewwies, an' blueberries, an'... Jelly beans, an' choc-lit chips, an' 'shmallows, an' sywup, an' choc-lit spread, an' ice-cweam..."

"And a tummy ache, apparently." Luci joked, shaking her head.
"Sometimes I wonder... Nibs, down! Ooh, bad dog!" She swatted at the dog, who seemed to have tripled in size in the last few weeks and was now taking full advantage of his new-found height to jump up and swipe at the plate of sausages cooling on the top.

"Morning!" She greeted cheerily as Sebastian skulked into the room. He ran her over with a suspicious eye, taking in the scene but saying nothing.

"No need to worry about cereal today, I'm cooking breakfast." Luci continued like she hadn't noticed his cold demeanour.

" 'sides, dere's hardly no 'shmallow cereal left." Billy added quietly, shooting Sebastian an accusing look.

"William, I said you can have a few marshmallows on your pancakes." Luci placated. "Assuming you behave."

Billy drew a halo around his head with a finger and mimed praying, making Luci laugh at his 'angelic' antics.

Swiftly, she came over, putting a plate of breakfast down in front of each of them.

Billy examined the fruit-made lion face atop his pancakes, shooting his mother a look to be described as 'Are you serious?' when he spied the slices of banana laid behind two chocolate chips to make the eyes, before surgically removing them with his fork and flicking them into Nibs mouth.

Luci chuckled, rolling her eyes, as she took her own seat. "Careful, you'll teach him bad habits."

Sebastian looked down at his own breakfast.
Luci had to be taking the mickey with the pancake frowny-face.

But other than that, it looked good.

He wondered what she was after this time.
Peace offering? Or something else?

"Nibs!" Luci burst out, scolding, as the dog came up on his left side, jumping upwards at the table towards his plate.
Luci swatted him off, but the plate got knocked, one of the sausages falling to the floor where Nibs snatched it up, pleased with himself and his prize.

"William, I told you feeding him from the table would teach him bad habits. I've been telling you for ages." Luci scolded, jumping up to fix what was spilt. "I do apologise." She continued to Sebastian. "That was bad. William, don't fuss him, it'll only encourage him!"

Billy looked up from where he was stroking Nibs under the table, and upon catching his mum's eyes, sat up straight and turned his attention to his food.

Luci replaced Sebastian's sausage with one from her plate. "Sorry, should have known. He went for them earlier."

She was being way too nice.
Now Sebastian was really suspicious.

"Actually," She said, settling back into her seat. "There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about. I think I might have mentioned it last night..."

Ah, here it comes.

A knock at the door interrupted them.

Immediately, Nibs was off, out the open kitchen door and straight down the hallway to the front door that lay parallel from it. He pawed at the wood, barking and whining.

"I'll get it." Billy volunteered, hopping off his chair to go charging after his dog.

Luci groaned. "Just typic... Wait!" Eye's going wide, she leapt up to go after her son.

Too late.

Billy pulled open the door.
"Oh, hello 'gain."

Just as Jace pushed into the house, beelining down the hallway for the open kitchen doorway and Sebastian framed just beyond it. "Hey!"

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