Work Day

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"Job's done." Sebastian said as he approached Dec at the bar.

"Well, that was quick." Dec chuckled, polishing glasses with a white rag. "Is he dead?"

"No, you said you didn't want him dead."

"Just checking. Put the fear of God into him though, didn't ya?" Dec laughed, a wicked glint in his eyes. "Nah, he's a good kid really. He's just testing the line. Lucky for him, he's got us to keep him in it."

Getting a noncommittal noise in response, Dec showed no discouragement; instead placing the glass down on the top to turn away and select a bottle from the shelf, pouring a drink.
"Now, can you take this to that lady over at the table there? Tell her it's from me.
I'm trying to keep her from leaving before I've had the opportunity to discuss... A business venture with her.
And be nice; she's a proper lady and a customer."

"I am not your waiter."

"Actually, you're whatever I tell you to be; earlier it was my muscle, now its my serving staff. Tomorrow it might be my bounty hunter, my delivery boy, my in-house entertainer or whatever I wish."

"Is that so." Came the cold reply.

"That is so, because that's how it is in my city. But look, I like you. Your actually a hard worker and you're the type of guy I need. So, you help me and I'll help you, got it?
Now, take this drink over to the pretty lady at the table, and be your actually charming self rather than your usual 'charming' self. Got it?"

Sebastian twitched his mouth into a smile laced with sarcasm, taking the drink without a word. Dec stifled the shudder from the malice he felt from the gaze beneath the dark glasses.

"Travis, I think I've just threatened someone very dangerous." Dec said when he located his friend at the bar a few minutes later.

"Must be Tuesday." Travis replied, without even missing a beat.

Dec chuckled, tilting his head in consideration. "True. Besides, the guy needs me- I can play a little, can't I?"

"Whatever floats your boat, mate." Travis said, taking the drink his friend offered him. "Cheers. So, what was it about that Luci girl you were saying yesterday?"

"Ah, only just that she's recently run into some problems in regards to housing, and so I kindly set her up in the hotel for a while; until something more long-term comes up."

"Right." Travis said. "And you did this out of the goodness of your heart, did you?"

"Well..." Dec trailed off, giving Travis a look that said it all.

"Right then..." Travis said, taking a steadying gulp of his drink.

The sound of raised voices caused him to splutter as it was suddenly followed by a loud crash and a sickening crunch.
Dec guffawed. "Oof, that's gonna smart in the morning. I think 'Sunglasses' just cracked that guy in the nose.
Go on, get him out of here!" Dec yelled over Travis's head. "He's plastered, he can cool off outside." He sat back down, looking smug. "No one messes with my employees."

"You seem overly-proud with yourself." Travis noted, as Dec watched Sebastian dragging the drunk and now-bloodied customer out of the door.

"What?" Dec shrugged. "He's new. And working out well."
Taking a swig of his drink, Dec looked thoughtful. "Maybe I'll get him working with Jerry on some of my new projects. He's got the brains and the brawn."

"Okay, I'm going to have to stop your crushing on your new recruit right there, someone's ringing me." Picking up his phone, Travis took the call, having a quick conversation with the person on the other end.

Then, hanging up, he turned to Dec with an irritable huff. "I've gotta go. Selene's car's just broken down, and she and Nyx are stuck at the shopping centre. I'm going to pick them up."

"Yeah, sure. Go." Dec said, practically shooing his friend away in urgency. "Go rescue the girls."

"Thanks mate. I'll be back in a while." Grabbing his coat, Travis strode to the door, slipping past Sebastian on his way out. "Oh, hey Chris."

'Chris' glanced at him as he left the building, and then back to Dec curiously.

"His sisters need a lift." Dec supplied, gesturing Sebastian over. "Come here. I've got another job for you.
How do you feel about, let's go with... Debt collecting?"

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