Before Dawn

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"You know, there's really no point me keeping the front door locked anymore, is there?"

Sebastian paused in his tracks, looking up from where he was clambering into the house through the downstairs window, to the direction of the voice.


Luci; illuminated majestically in the light of an ornate stained-glass lamp, was sitting on the sofa across the room with a mug of tea in hand and an abandoned magazine resting on her lap, thoroughly enjoying the show.

"Oh, I don't know." He said, easing himself over the windowsill into the room. "Stops your son making a break for freedom, doesn't it?"

Luci's eyes darkened a little at that, but her sickly-sweet smile stayed in place.
"And how fairs your Lady Love? Is she making a break for freedom yet?"

His turn for his expression to darken.

Luci shrugged, taking a drink from the mug. "Seemed like she was going to, back in Idris. But then again, us women are fickle creatures.
Trying to balance the head and the heart can be so tricky sometimes."

"It's like three in the morning. Did you stay up just to antagonise me?"

"Quarter to four, actually. And no, that's just an added bonus.
So," She leant forwards onto her knees, tapping her nails on the side of the mug rhythmically.
"How's the baby? Because she was a darling. The apple of mummy- dearest's eye, as I recall.
Such a pretty little family."

"I'm not in the mood for small talk."

"I'm just saying, she's very devoted to that child. Which there's nothing wrong with. William's my world, I can relate."

"Yes, well, your 'world' is asleep upstairs, maybe you should follow his example, seeing as you took the only other bed in the entire house."

"Hey, you're lucky you've got a roof over your head. Not many people would tolerate you like I do.

Well, maybe your Lady Love, taking in strays does seem to be her thing.
I think her 'perfectly imperfect' family would have something to say about that though."

She took another drink from the mug.

"Then again, first-time mother, probably isn't going to let anything around her baby that could be considered a risk, especially after everything that's happened to that poor family in the last year or so."

She smirked. "That's the thing about being in a relationship with a woman who already has children. You're always going to play second fiddle to the baby."

"What do you want?" He demanded, almost exasperatedly, definitely irritated. "You're obviously here for more than childish games."

"I've been thinking. About many things, as it turns out, and I've come to many conclusions.

And as it concludes, something is happening, and... Much as it makes my skin crawl to say this... I think that, there's going to become a time when I need you.

"So... What, you want a favour?" He raised an eyebrow sceptically.

"A deal, more like. An alliance. You'll help me, and I'll help you."

"I don't need your help."

"Well, that's not strictly true..." Luci purred. "I mean, doing what you're doing now is fine, but it isn't really getting you what you want, is it?"

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