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Nyx was sitting in the waiting room besides a pram containing a snoozing Abby, teaching Cody various card games and giving Maddie and Travis some privacy.

Clearly, they had the most to discuss, about their situation with Abby, if nothing else.

Nyx wasn't too comfortable with thinking about what the result of that might be.
As much as she'd always said Maddie was Mama and that their situation was temporary and as soon as Maddie returned- and officially returned, not having to hide out because she'd somehow gained a body from her own reflection- she would get Abby, but now that the possibility was here... Nyx didn't like the idea so much.

Abby was a huge part of their family. And whilst she knew Maddie was very unlikely to remove Abby from their lives, was very likely to remain close with them, it wouldn't be the same.

She shook her head. She was over thinking this.
Abby was Travis's baby too. He had as much right to her as Maddie did.

Except... Travis probably wouldn't mind Maddie taking primary care of Abby. Assuming he got to see her, he'd probably be fine. He always seemed so distant from Abby, and Nyx knew he hadn't really wanted a kid...

"No, stop it, you're winding yourself up now."

And then there was the fact that Maddie's family had been trying everything to get Abby taken away from them, and now Maddie was awake they'd most likely insist...

"No, stop it."

And... Maybe... Just maybe... Abby would be better off with Maddie... Just, with the series of recent events, Nyx was beginning to wonder... Would she be able to protect and care for Abby if something else happened? Because so much had taken place, it just seemed like they really weren't out of the woods yet.
Nyx could almost feel it, looming on the sidelines, something big, just preparing to sweep in and rough the waters once again.
Maybe it'd be better for Abby not to run the risk of her being swept up in it.

"Stop it. What happens happens. Don't kill yourself worrying about something that isn't your choice."

Because, at the end of the day, it wasn't.
It was Maddie's.

Travis walked out, face neutral.

"Nyx, Maddie wants a word."

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she stood up and walked towards Maddie's room.

"Calm down. It's just Maddie. She's kind and a bit kooky and very understanding and absolutely lovely. It'll all be okay."

She smiled at Maddie when she walked in.


"Hey, Nyx. Come here, have a seat."

She walked over, and sat by Maddie's bed.

Maddie smiled softly.
"I think I can tell what you're thinking. I'm guessing my mother got to you too?"

"Uh... Not really... She just mostly looked down her nose at me."

"Oh, on that case... Anyway, it's about Abby.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for looking after my daughter.
She means so much to me, and I can't imagine anyone taking better care of her than you and your family."

Nyx blushed a little. "Thanks. She means a lot to us too, to all of us."

"Seriously though, I really want to thank you for not handing her over to my parents.
I mean, I know you could have, and technically they had a right to her, but... They hate Travis.
They hate him because of what he is, and... She's his daughter. I wouldn't want my daughter being raised by someone who dislikes part of who she is. I mean... God, they have issues with me, and I'm... Yeah.

And besides, you're just as much family to me as they are. More so even, in some ways.

I mean it, Nyx. I love you.
Not in that way," She quickly reassured, chuckling slightly. "But, you know... You get what I'm saying."

"Yeah." Nyx agreed softly. "I get it. I love you too, Mads."

Maddie smiled. "Keep that in mind, don't judge me to harshly on the next sentence.
See... I don't think... I'm ready to take care of Abby, at least, not yet. Not... After everything. I mean... I don't even know what I'm doing with myself... I've been out of it for most of a year, and then... Recent events... And either way, I'm still not going to be out of this place for a while, not with this leg, and all the other ish that comes with what's happened.

And... I just... Don't think of can handle it all, you know? I mean, I've done the Mum thing, with Cody, who don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade for the world.
But... It's just... So hard... "

Suddenly, Maddie broke down into sobs, collapsing into Nyx's arms.

"I love them both so much... But I can't..."

"Okay. Okay." Nyx soothed, rubbing circles on her back.
"It's okay. What are you saying about Abby?"

"I just... I think... I think it's best if she stays where she is... Please... At least, for now... Just until..."

"Maddie, look at me." Nyx took Maddie's head in her hands, looking into her eyes. "I will continue take care of your daughter, if that's what you wish."

Maddie nodded profusely. "I mean... Maybe in the future I'll... I might... But..."

Nyx nodded. "We'll work something out."

"Yeah. We will." Maddie agreed enthusiastically. "Hey, you'll teach her academics, and I'll do her Shadowhunter training." She joked, smiling once again.

"I'll turn her into a pacifist just to spite you." Nyx joked back.

Maddie pouted. "Aww, don't worry, you can join in too."

"Yeah, you can't get to the bathroom on your own, I don't think you'll be training anyone any time soon." Nyx chuckled.

Maddie mock-winced. "Ooh, hitting a girl below the belt there. You'll have to buy me a doughnut in apology."

She leant over, and pulled Nyx into a hug. "Thank you for understanding."

"Oh, no worries."

"Thanks. Now I've just got to work on getting Cody away from the conniving claws of my mother, and life will be peachy."

There was a friendly silence between them.

Then Maddie spoke again, voice once again serious, without it's previous jokey edge.

"And... There's something else I have to tell you. It's not about Abby though. It's... About Alysha."

Phew, that's long. But I think it's okay.
Probably could do with some working, but I've been trying to get it done all day, and I'm currently just glad it's finished.

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