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" 'Ello."

Sebastian looked at the young boy standing in front of him, giving him an irritated, what-do-you-want expression.

"Mummy said I'm only 'posed to talk to you if I weally 'ave to." Billy informed him.

"... Okay then..." Sebastian replied, attempting to decifer the boys intention.

Billy flopped himself over the arm of the chair, onto the piece of furniture, smiling self-pleasedly.

Sebastian looked at him suspiciously. "Alright, what do you want?"

"Wanna play a game?"

"What about your mother?" Sebastian countered dryly.

"She's busy. I'm bored. Wanna play poker? I'm weally good!"


"Oh, come on! I wanna play! An' Mummy's no good 'cause she keeps letting me win, an' et's not playin' right!"

"So... You're saying you want to loose?" Sebastian said disbelievingly, looking at the boy who's trademark move seemed to be throwing the world record of tantrums whenever things didn't go his way.

"No, I'm gonna win 'cause I'm da bestest at dis." Billy said like it was fact. "But et's no good not playin' right!"

"If I play one game with you, will you go away?"

"Dat's not fair, what do I get if I win?"

"I wasn't saying... I meant... Uh." Sebastian looked exasperated, but resigned . "What do you want?"

Billy grinned. "Dem." He said, pointing at Sebastian's sunglasses on the shelf besides the couch.

Luci came in from one of the back rooms, only to be accosted by Billy in Sebastian's too-big sunglasses, wearing one of her black jackets like a trench coat and carrying a Power Rangers notebook.

"E'scuse me, Ma'am, but it's a matter of National Security. Would you mind ans'wing some ques'tions for me 'bout where you was last night?"

"Asleep in bed, and you know that because you came and snuggled up next to me when you somehow managed to convince yourself there was someone hiding in your wardrobe."

"Our tests 'ave said dat da door did in fact swing open on it's own after it woz closed, so dere!"

"You'd caught a coat hanger between the doors. When you went to shut the open one, it bounced on the part that was sticking out."

"Dat not wot it looked like!" Billy scowled, stomping his foot.

Luci repressed a laugh, choosing to act along.
"My apologies, Detective, but if there's no further questions, may I be allowed to get out of your way so you may do some more sleuthing?"

"Yeth, but don't fink I'm not watchin' you. Me an' my sniffer dog, we c'n solve any case!"

"I bet you can. Nibs is in the garden, by the way, if you want to go look for clues out there. Excuse me." She said, squeezing past him, and heading to the front room.

"So, he finally pinched your glasses?" She said to Sebastian with a chuckle. "He's been eyeing them up for days."

"He won them in a Poker game. Also, your child knows how to gamble?"

Luci ignored his last comment, instead turning to glance at her son charging up and down the hallway.
"Yeah, you're not getting them back. Not a chance in hell he's giving them up now.
Yeah, don't gamble with my son, he takes games very seriously."

"Mummy, I wan' my dec-tective name to be Dec-tective Savage Rage, okay?" Billy said, walking into the room and looking very serious.

"Detective... Savage... Rage." Luci repeated back slowly, really pushing down the laughter this time.

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