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Sebastian was sitting on the sofa of the house they were hiding out in, hands clutched around an undrunk mug of coffee and staring into space, not really there at all.

Too much to think about, too much to sift through, his head felt cluttered.

Luci peered around the door, checking on him, again.

He had the suspicion that she was checking that he hadn't made a break for it out of the window whilst she was out the room.
She was beginning to feel more like his parole officer then... Whatever else it was that she was.

In swift strides, she crossed the room to in front of him, plucking the mug out of his hands and taking a swig.
She shuddered, spitting it back into the cup.
"It's cold. And just plain nasty."

"You made it."

"And you were supposed to drink it! It's nice when it's actually hot!"

She swept out of the room, muttering under her breath. "Why do I even bother..."

The kid had entered the room behind her.

Now, he was sitting on one of the  armchairs angled towards the sofa, kicking his heels together and pretending not to be looking at Sebastian.

Sebastian sighed, decided to ignore him, and reached for a pen and notebook that was resting on the side.

This piked Billy's attention. "Whatcha doin'?"

"Nothing that is relevant to you." Sebastian replied flatly.

A few minutes passed in silence.

Then Billy hopped down off his chair and rushed over to the sofa, climbing up on the furthest end from Sebastian.

Sebastian eyed him suspiciously.

The small boy didn't say anything, just smiled and kicked his heels together.

Sebastian went back to ignoring him.

"Are you drawin' a picture?"

Sebastian looked up for a second, clearly annoyed, before turning his attention to the boy, who he noticed had wiggled closer to him along the couch.

"Alright, what do you want?"

Billy ignored the question, but continued on talking. "I drew a picture dis morning at breakfast, an' mum put it on da fridge.
An' it's got me, an' mum, an' Wesley, an' Rigsy in.
An' a treehouse, an' a pirate ship."

"... That's... Nice..." Sebastian replied, confused as to why he was being informed this, but not really caring either way.

Billy had scooted even closer now, sitting directly next to him, so close they were almost touching.

Sebastian peered at him out of the corner of his eyes. The boys smile was unnerving for some reason.
In fact, the kid was basically leaning on him now, shoulder pressed up against him, the e small boy leant his chin on Sebastian's arm as he looked up at him, probably in an attempt to annoy him.

"Why you here?"


"Are you my mummy's boyfriend?"


"Oh." Billy looked almost disappointed, looking down at his feet.
Then he brought his head back up, eyes twinkling again.

"Yeah, but did you used to be? Back in time an' historwy?"



There was a pause.

"Are you an' my mummy friends?"



A heavy silence hung in the air.

Billy slid off the chair. "I'm gonna find mummy now."
And he wandered over to the door, pulling it open and walking out.

Sebastian furrowed his brow, confused. What the hell had that been about?

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