Breaking Point

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"Whoa!" Luci's voice raised in shock as she entered the scene. "What the hell happened?"

"Some psycho attacked me!" Selene yelled.

Nick and Travis followed Dec and Luci closely through the door, pushing past them with concerned expressions to run to see to their family. "What happened?"

"Did they..." Luci trailed off, thinking carefully of what to say. "Say any of their motives? Or was it just a random act of terrorism?"

"They were part of a gang!" Selene howled angrily, her features pulled together in pain. "They said that Nyx had messed with their family. Declan, you have got to blow them up!"

"I will get on that." Dec said carefully.

Nick frowned. "Nyx, can I talk to you alone?"

Nyx nodded, getting up to follow him out of the room. "I didn't do anything wrong to start any of this."

"Nyx, have you been going to the Bronx? You know that's not Dec's territory. I mean, I hate Dec's territory too; but tell me you haven't been in the Bronx."

"I haven't." Nyx reassured him. "Honestly. I was only... Doing some detective work."

"YOU WERE INVESTIGATING SOMETHING A GANG DID?! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?!" Nick yelled, completely losing his cool. "We're going to have to move! They know where we live!"

"I was not-"

"Selene is blind because of this! How can you be so stupid, kid?"

"I was trying to find out who attacked me!"

"Wait, wait, wait." Nick said, looking concerned. "Someone attacked you? When?!"

"Some time last year! It's all really hazy, but they attacked me with a knife! And that same knife I found today!"


"Declan's house!" Nyx screeched, storming upstairs to her room with Nick hot on her heels. Reaching under her mattress, she pulled out the offending weapon, tossing it matter-of-factly down on the bed. "It was just... In these boxes, and I don't understand!"

"Okay, okay." Nick soothed, rubbing her back comfortingly. "Do you know why they had it?"

"No. No. God, no! I don't understand, why would it be there?!"

"Don't freak out. There could be many reasons; we can find out, okay?"

"I attacked a pregnant lady." Nyx said in a horrified whisper.

"Don't worry, she's okay." Nick told her reassuringly.

Nyx made a whimpering noise, covering her face with her hands; then ripped them away, balling them into fists as she stomped her foot angrily. "I'll kill her. I WILL KILL HER!"

"NO, no you won't!" Nick said firmly, gripping Nyx's shoulders to get her to look at him. "Calm down."

"She's with them! She is!" Nyx yelled, twisting out of his grip and charging out of the room, back down the stairs. Dec leapt to his feet as she burst into the living room, standing between her and Luci as Nyx made a beeline for the other woman. In one hand she brandished the dagger, although not as a weapon, for it was still sheathed; Nyx grasping the handle so the covered blade lay flat against her arm. Instead, she held it high for all to see; her other hand jabbing an accusing finger at Luci. "You bitch! You psycho! You killed me!"

"Deccy, what's going on?" Luci shrieked, clinging to the man's jacket.

"It was you." Nyx said to Luci in a cold tone of final judgment. "I know."

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