Things To Be Said

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After several days of complete radio silence, Clary practically pounced on her phone when she saw who was calling. "Mum? Oh my God, what happened? Where are you?"

"I'm fine, don't worry." Jocelyn said. "I'm at home. The rest... I think I need to explain to you in person, it's going to be difficult to do over the phone."

"Stay there, we'll come to you." Clary replied, already mentally running through all the possibilities of what could be going on. This definitely seemed suspicious; and she was sure the others would agree. "See you soon. Love you, mum."

Jocelyn hung up; turning to her son sitting on the couch. "You alright?"

Feeling something on his face, he'd dabbed his thumb under his nose; and now was looking at it with an expression of surprise and confusion.

"... Yes, I'm fine." He said at last, decisively curling up his hand, smiling at her with a genuine smile.


"There, that's better." Maddie said as came out of the dressing room to show off her newly bought outfit. Maddie had fitted her out with some skinny jeans and a simple t-shirt; as well as a cheap pair of converse and a nice new jacket. "You look less like a runaway mental patient now."

"I am a runaway mental patient." Nyx chuckled, admiring herself in one of the nearby mirrors.

"That's not the fashion statement you want." Maddie grimaced. "Look, you understand the tricky situation we are in, right? I have cut you a lot of slack with this."

Nyx nodded, understanding the seriousness of the situation. "Yes. I'm sorry. Thank you."

"Yeah, well, you owe me big time. From now on, I'm going to deal with the situation how I deem appropriate. Hey, maybe by some miracle this works and it's all well and good; but that's not my priority. My priority has to be keeping everyone safe, no matter what."

"Yes, okay." Nyx nodded.

"Like, seriously, whatever happens, I'm on your side; I'm working in your best interest." Maddie said sincerely. "You're my best friend; I'm here to support you."

"Thank you."

"I don't trust him one bit."

"I understand." Nyx nodded once more, thinking about what she'd said and what it implied. Then, she smiled. "Best friend, huh?"

"Well, yeah." Maddie grinned. "I feel like you get me; we understand each other. Even when you used to pretend not to like me."

"Sorry." Nyx said sheepishly. "You know, it's very hard work looking after older brothers."

Maddie laughed at that, slipping her arm through Nyx's and beginning to lead them away. "Also, I'm going to teach you some proper fighting techniques. Judging by that hospital story, you were fucking lucky."

Nyx chuckled. "No wonder our mental health services are terrible, the whole thing's full of bloody demons!"

Maddie laughed. "I'll get on it right away."

"Although, I guess you do forget your issues when your therapist tries to eat you." Nyx continued. "But now I just don't trust any of them."

"...You know, you can talk to me about anything, right?" Maddie said softly. "If you're struggling, or… if you just want to talk…"

Nyx nodded; smiling happily and laying her head on Maddie's shoulder. "I know. Thank you. And, like… you can talk to me too, about whatever you like."

"Whatever I like, huh?" Maddie teased.

"Wait, no. I don't want to know what it was like dating my brother." Nyx corrected hurriedly; half-humorously, half-serious.

"But anything else?"

"... Yes?" Nyx said warily.

"Your taste in men is shit."

"Yeah, I've been told." Nyx laughed, pulling a face as they left the shop and began to walk down the road.


"Mum, I'm here! What's going on?" Clary announced as she walked in the door, shrugging off her jacket and heading to the living room to look. She stopped dead in her tracks. "Oh. My. God."

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