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Jace was surprised to find the small figure if Nyx sitting on the doorstep, staring forlornly out to the road. Walking over, he crouched next to her. "Are you alright? Where is he?"

Nyx shrugged sadly, arms crossed around herself like she was physically holding herself together; shivering slightly in the cool air. "She took him. She came and she took him." She sighed tiredly, hands going to her face as she leant her head back against the doorframe. 

"Who?" Jace asked, looking concerned. "What? Where?" 


"We start at the clocktower apartment. That's where I know she was last." Luci said, stepping on the gas as she drove manically through the city streets; disregarding all common courtesy of the road. 

"She could be long gone by now." He said carefully, trying to prepare her for the true possibility. 

"Well then, you better help me find them." Luci replied through gritted teeth.

The clocktower seemed abandoned when they got there. They got inside easily; no one being there to object when they broke open the door. Neither sound nor breath stirred the air inside the building. Reaching the penthouse, they found everything had been left just as it was; the surfaces clear of bric-a-brac, furniture pristine and seemingly untouched. No signs of any kind of life. Luci looked around the deserted space in despair. "They're not here."

He furrowed his brow curiously. "I wouldn't be so sure." There was an electric current thrumming in the air; he could feel it, sparking up and down his spine, crackling behind his eyes and tugging at his soul. Like swimming with the tide, he went with it, letting it pull him to wherever it lead. Gently, he traced his fingers along the wall, searching. And there it was; a mark in the wall, that illuminated as his fingers brushed over it. 
"Well, I guess you're still good for something." Luci snarked. He shushed her with a finger to his lips; drawing out a long, vicious-edged knife with his other hand before stepping forwards and slipping through the hidden doorway in the wall. Luci hung back for a second, chewing her lip nervously; before steeling her nerves and following after.

The room was one she hadn't seen before; hexagonally shaped to fit the centre of the tower, it was illuminated only by the candles dripping away in the corners, the licking flames making the shadows dance around the room. They stuck to the shadows, hiding in the darkness.

There she stood brazenly in the middle of the room; Lilith, her back turned to them, seemingly oblivious of their presence as she slowly swayed back and forth, fully focused on something in her arms. As she moved, they glimpsed what it was; a small bundle wrapped in swaddling. The child.

Having identified the target, he made eye contact with Luci; signalling for her to cover the door whilst he began to make his way to the left, circling on silent feet with his weapon at the ready, a predator hunting it's prey.

Until she spoke. "I know you're there. Come. Come out. Come."

Things are really getting good now! XD
Not long until we're done with this book, I reckon. Three or four more chapters at most.

Also, do make sure you're reading my spin-off work, The Birdcage! It's really good if I do say so myself, particularly if you're into more of a spooky horror/mystery flavour XD

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