Evening Plans

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"Hey, kiddos!"

"Oh, god." Nyx groaned, putting her head in her hands as Jackson announced himself loudly. "Is he drunk?"

"That'd probably be an improvement." Travis muttered.

Nyx nodded, bouncing Abby on her lap and attempting to get her interested in one of the huddle of rattly toys spread out in front of them.

Abby took no interest, taking the opportunity to wriggle out of Nyx's arms and make a beeline towards the TV, tapping her hands eagerly against the darkened screen.

Nyx shook her head. "No, no TV, it's not telly time yet."

Abby pouted, slapping her hand insistently against the TV again.

As Nyx strode across the room to scoop Abby up, away from the television, Rachel made her way carefully down the stairs, supported one on each side by Nick and Owen, Selene trailing behind them.

Travis whistled as he took in Rachel's appearance, looking the best she had in a long time, all done up in her favourite long, green, floral lace dress. Her hair was pinned in elegant waves on her head, and her eyes highlighted with emerald eyeshadow, both courtesy of Selene.

"You look really good, Mum!" Nyx chirped, as Rachel eased herself into her wheelchair.
"You going out?"

"Yes." Jackson answered. "We're going on a date!"

"... A date? Really?"

"Oi, Miss-s-s-sy!" Rachel laughed. "What are y-you ins-s-s-sinuating?
'Cause I've s-s-still got it, I-I'll have y-you know."

"No, I just... I'm surprised, that's all. Are... You two going alone, or...?"

"Yes. We're goin-ing al-l-lone. It's-s al-l-lowed, we're both adults-s."

"Yeah, but, who's going to push your chair?"

"I am." Jackson said, grinning.

"... He's your designated driver? Nah ah, no way."

Rachel chuckled. "Hey-y-y, that's rude. A-and who's the par-r-rent here, anyway-y-y?"

Nick smiled, smoothly intercepting the conversation. "What she means to say is, why don't I offer you two a lift?
Just to make it easier, with the chair and everything."

"I-I-I don't nee-e-ed babysit-t-t-ting."

"Oh, trust me, Rach. I'm not babysitting you."

Rachel slapped his arm playfully. "Cheeky-y-y. But o-okay-y-y. You can d-drive me, if it makes you hap-p-p-py."

"Well then..." Nyx said, throwing her free hand up in the air in a lopsided shrug.
"I... Don't know... what to make about... That.
He better be paying, that's all."

"Nyx, chill. Nick's with them, it'll be fine." Travis reassured. "Besides, Rachel's badass, she can handle herself."

"I guess so." She replied, struggling to get a particularly active Abby to sit nicely on her lap.

"Meanwhile, looking at it from another angle," Selene interjected, "Mum's on a date. She's out the house. So you know what that means..."

"No dragging us out to any random nightclubs. We've got Abby to think about."

"We can still do something fun here. Don't be such a spoilsport."

"No strip poker around a baby."

"Yeah, but she's going to bed soon, isn't she?"

Nyx looked at the wriggling Abby, who was apparently determined to scale the edge of the sofa from where she was clutched in Nyx's arms, unashamedly clambering all over her in her mission.

"Not in her opinion, no."

Selene sighed, reaching forwards to pluck Abby out of her arms, before reaching a hand out to help Nyx up.

"Come on, you need to unwind. Stop being 'Mama' for a bit and have some fun!"

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