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"... But the kid seemed fine, right? I mean, you didn't find anything wrong. Apart from the apparently creepy mum."

Jace groaned, head in hands. "I don't know. Something just seemed... off."

Clary placed a hand on his shoulder. "Off how? From what I've understood, he just sounds like an excitable kid. I mean, he's like what, five?"

"Four. And he's... high strung."

"Yeah, he's four. And obviously sensitive about his dad. He's young, of course it's going to upset him."

"True... But still... I feel like I'm missing something.
It is his mother, I'm sure of it. There's something she's not saying."

"What did Alec say? He was with her most of the time, right?"

Jace shrugged. "He thinks she's... touchy and a bit over-wary, but otherwise... there's nothing to suggest anything suspicious.
I don't know though. I watched her with her son, it was strange. She was very... On him, from the moment he joined us in the the living room. Chiding him and interrupting him."

"Maybe that's just how she parents?" Clary said, looking a little confused at what he was getting at. "I mean, you said he was high-strung. She was probably just trying to calm him down."

"He said she leaves him alone a lot."

"He also said she left him with Evelyn at the mansion, so it's not like he was alone alone. It's probably just her work or something."

Jace looked unconvinced, but couldn't argue that it wasn't a logical explanation. Didn't mean it was the only possible one, though.

"Maybe... And then there's the toy Seraph blades."

Clary nodded. "Yeah, I can kind of see that one. Maybe his mum got them for him because of his dad? I mean... it could perhaps partly explain why he isn't there."

"I want to talk to him again. William." Jace said. "Talk to him again when he's not upset and not got his mum influencing him."

"You're really hung up on this, aren't you?"

"Is it wrong to be concerned for him? I just feel really sympathetic towards the boy, I really do. I mean.. He ran away from there. That's not nothing. And the letter did suggest something was going on, we can't just dismiss it now.
I just really want to make sure he's okay."

"Alright." Clary conceded, soothingly running her hand up and down his arm. "How about we go back tomorrow, for one last final check, okay?"

This probably isn't as good as I imagined, but hey, it does the necessary. Next chapter should be great though!

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