Home Sweet Home

17 1 4

He took her coat as she entered the hallway; practically spinning on her toes as she looked around the place. "Wow. Nice place."

"You like it?" He asked, hanging her jacket on the end of the bannister.

"Course I do." She grinned, hooking her arms around his neck and standing on tiptoes to kiss him sweetly on the lips. "Want to show me the rest?"

Taking her hand, he lead her further into the house.

To be completely frank, the place wasn't the tidiest; although she tried not to mind it too much. It was a lovely house, and she felt almost a childish level of excitement as they went from room to room, exploring the place.

"Ooh, very fancy." She giggled, peering through a door into the dining room. Pulling it shut again, she turned back into the kitchen; and with a playful smile, hopped up to sit on the counter top.

"This seemed like such a good idea at the time." She chuckled, moving a few things around to make room for herself, including a half full mug away from where she wanted to put her hand. "Abandoned lukewarm tea. That's going to a lovely surprise for someone."

Both of them laughing, she beconed him over with a crooked finger. Grinning, she ran her hands up his chest onto his shoulders, pulling him in for a much more indulgent kiss. "That's better, I can reach you now."

"Ah, that's what's been holding you back." He teased, going in to press his lips against her neck.

She sighed in satisfaction, closing her eyes happily. Smiling, she buried her hands in his hair, trailing her fingers softly down the nape of his neck; smirking a little, she drew her foot slowly up his leg.

He tensed; drawing her face away from her hair. "You are playing with fire today." He said, bringing his face close to hers as he took her hands in his own.

Nyx giggled, proud of herself for winding him up so. "I know."

A low growl rumbled quietly in his throat; she laughed. "Just playing."

Swinging her legs playfully, she hopped down off the counter, releasing his left hand and tugging on his right.

"Come on. You haven't shown me the upstairs yet."

He closed his eyes, groaning. "I am trying so hard to be a Gentleman. You are making it very difficult."

Nyx snorted with laughter. "That one was an accident. Promise."

Sniggering like excitable children, they scurried up the stairs; Nyx practically skipping as she looked around curiously.

"So, what do you have up here?"

"My office, my bedroom... And a few spare rooms."

She opened the doors of the first two rooms respectively, peering inside. "Nice- You have knives in your ceiling."

He shrugged. "I know."

She looked at him with a questioning expression, seeming as if she was going to say something; stopped, put her finger on her lips and thought about it, then started again. "Forgive me if I'm missing something obvious, but... Why?"

"Stress relief."

"Ah, okay. Silly me." Nyx chuckled awkwardly, shutting the door. "So, have I seen all the house now? No mysterious attics or secret basements?"

"There is a basement, but I'm currently using it as storage."

"This place is massive!" She crowed, as they begun back down the stairs. "Well, massive for one person."

"You could stay here, if you wanted." He offered.

Nyx paused in the hallway, turning back to look at him.

"Not permanently- Not if you didn't want to." He said quickly. "But there's enough space for you to have a room here, if you wanted to stay over."

Nyx blushed pink, smiling with her happy blue eyes. "I could..."

Walking forwards, she let him wrap his arms around her; leaning her head against his shoulder with a contented hum, both of them swaying slightly as if to unheard music. Then, a very mischievous grin licked across her face, and she opened an eye to look up at him. "Although, if I was staying the night, would I really need another room?"

"Thin line. You are walking a very thin line." He warned, lips twitching a humorous smile despite himself.

Nyx sniggered, putting on an innocent voice. "What? I'm just saying, we basically share a bed anyway. You'd have to get rid of the knives though."

He laughed, tipping back his head, then straightening up to look down into her eyes. She looked up into his. There was silence, and a heavy pause.

Then his lips descended over hers; fierce and demanding. She reciprocated in equal measure, hooking her arms around his neck and burying her hands in his hair to pull him closer, closer.

He was manoeuvring her back into the lounge now, easing her down onto the sofa. Then his hands were everywhere, all over her clothes; and then, up under her clothes, tracing every line and curve of her torso down. And then his shirt was coming off; up over his shoulders as she tugged it. And then-

-The building was on fire.

Evelyn's mansion; flames licking up the walls, creatures darting about unseen in the thick smoke.

The mansion was burning, burning down around her.

Burning, burning...

Reflexively, she remembered some of Alysha's advice; although she couldn't remember why it was relevant here. Closing her eyes, she took a calming breath- 'It's not real!'- and clawed her way back up to the surface.

"- Are you alright?"

Blinking her dry eyes as she shook herself out of her daze, she drew a long breath, gasping for air as if she'd been underwater. Shaking the moment away, she registered his concerned expression and tone. "Uh... I think so..."

"What happened? You just froze up. And your eyes went a silver colour- it's like you weren't even there."

"Ugh, it's supposed to be getting better." Nyx said, putting her head in her hands. "Sorry."

"This has happened before then?" It was more like a statement than a question.

Nyx opened her mouth to speak, but she found herself devoid of words, whole body trembling suddenly with exhaustion and adrenaline from what she'd seen. Instead, she settled for nodding meekly.

Seeing the change in her demeanour, he reached for the blanket on another chair, wrapping it around her and pulling her close to him, stroking her hair soothingly.

"Shh, it's okay. You can tell me in a bit."

Closing her eyes, she relaxed into him; and soon found herself drifting off to sleep.

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