The Room

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The room Luci lead them into clearly hadn't been lived in for a while.
It had that musty feel in the air of a room that had been abandoned for quite some time.

The items in the room were that of a young teenage girl, around thirteen or fourteen at a guess.

Sebastian eyed his surroundings sceptically.
"... And what do we need from here?"

He wandered over to a small desk nearby, picking up a small, ornate box and turning it over aimlessly in his hands.

His eyes flicked up to his companion, suspicion flickering across his face. "Who's room is this, anyway?"

Luci was kneeling on the floor, rummaging through the bottom of the wardrobe, pulling random items out left and right.

She sat back on her knees, pulling herself out from the mass of things within the cupboard, dragging an open-topped box out with her, which something clunked dully inside of it with the uneven movement.

In a fluid movement, she rose from the ground and and turned to face him, giving him a look with her unnerving eyes. "You've already made your own speculation."

She sighed. "There's no point. I'll just tell you. Yes, this was my room."

"You're a Nephil?"

"No, I'm Arthur, King of the Britons." She said dryly, rolling her eyes.
"Yes. My father's a Shadowhunter. Can we maybe not discuss this right now? Just because I'd like to get very far away as soon as possible, before the ensuing country-wide manhunt gets here."

Reaching back into the box, she began pulling out a few knives and blades to stuff into her jacket almost thoughtlessly as she rummaged.

Nibbling her lip, clearly quite a bit frustrated, she dove her hands back into the cupboard, feeling around the base, pushing aside hanging up clothes, including a scarlet jester suit which Sebastian mentally questioned, to get a better view inside.

"I think... We better have a quick check of the other rooms, just before we go. I know there's some stuff here that can be useful, it's just not here here."

Hope this is okay!
It took quite a bit of work!

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