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Billy hammered on the bathroom door. "Mummy, are you okay?"

The sound of quiet retching ensued from behind the closed door, followed by the sound of something being flushed away.
A few seconds later, the lock clicked and the door was tugged open.

Billy peered around it, to see Luci sitting on the floor, leaning slightly against the toilet, tired eyed and looking grey in the face.

"Mummy?" Billy asked tentatively.

"Mummy's just not feeling too well at the moment."Luci replied, attempting to pull her messy hair back from her face. "Could you possibly get me a drink of water please?"

He nodded, going to get one for her. He pushed the cool glass into her hands, which were shaking slightly from the force of her previous retching.

She took a long drink, her face regaining some of it's colour.

Billy crept up to her tentatively, eyes worried, softly putting his arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder.

Luci put the glass on the floor, shifting to put her arm around his shoulders, pulling him onto her lap.
She ran her fingers through his fluffy hair, smiling softly at him.

Billy smiled back. "Better?"

"Much better. Thank you, sweetheart."

Billy fiddled with his fingers for a moment. "Mummy... Are you not very well? Are you sick?"

"No." Luci scoffed. "Well, perhaps just a little. Nothing for you to worry about. Now..." She levered herself up from the floor, standing and scooping him up into her arms.
"Gosh, you're getting big. Beginning to get hard to carry.
Anyway, breakfast?"


"Bugs in ketchup and a large gin?" She joked

"Yeah!" Billy said, throwing his hands up excitedly.

"That was a joke, there's no way on earth I'm giving you alcohol. Especially not after the Boxing day incident."

Billy chuckled at the memory. "Was only a sip. Was funny."

Luci twitched a grin, then smothered it, knowing it was inappropriate. "It was very naughty, and you know it." She tapped his nose lightly.
"Breakfast. Come on."

Sorry I haven't updated in the last few days. Christmas, hectic, you know.
Anyway, I hope your Christmas's were very merry!

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