Spending Time

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"...It's not my fault that cutlery makes surprisingly good weapons! Besides, he was asking for it."

Owen chuckled, as they walked out of the small cafe Nyx had selected for lunch, Nyx pushing a snoozing Abby in the pram ahead of her.

"Well, if Magnus can't understand that his plate gave its life for a worthy cause, that's his problem."

Nyx snorted a laugh. "Nah, he likes me really. Just doesn't want to admit it because I've always been a bit of a pest.
Not my fault that he's fun to wind up though."

"Didn't you make a Magnus Halloween costume last year? Or am I confused and it was of someone else?"

"No, it was Magnus. Was gonna be such a laugh as well, but Mum wouldn't let me wear it. Pity, really."

She pouted emphatically, then changed it to an over-the-top maniacal grin, and applying a campy 'Bond villain' accent.
"But this year, I shall be ready. No one shall be able to stop me, no one shall foil my plans this time!"

They both laughed, Nyx ruining the end of her sentence as she failed to hold it back, trying to quiet the sniggers as so not too attract any strange looks.

Nyx made a shushing noise through an attempt to smother giggles.
"Ssh, baby's sleeping."
She whispered, gesturing to Abby, curled up in the pram, thumb in mouth and snoring quietly.
"Aww, little angel."

"Yeah, until she wakes up the whole household at three in the morning." Owen joked.

Nyx gave him a chastising look, underlaid with a grin. "If it's causing you issues, you can force yourself out of bed to deal with it."

"No, it's okay, you're good."

"A thank you would be nice. You know, I hold the power to decide whether Abby lets you sleep through the night or not."

"I got the power!" Owen cheered jokingly.
"Okay, but thank you though."

Nyx chuckled. "To be honest, it's Travis and Maddie that need to thank me.
How come they get to do the fun part, and I end up with the baby, anyway?

Not that I'd trade you for the world, Baby Bird."
She reassured the sleeping babe.
"Although I would appreciate your dad doing me a solid once in a while, and taking a turn soothing you.
A sleep, a sleep, my kingdom for a good night sleep!"

She turned her attention back to Owen, who'd become silent.
"Oh, I'm sorry, was my previous comment too crass for you? Honestly, I thought I'd put it quite well but if you found that shocking..."

"Isn't Maddie in a coma or something? I mean, I'm not really sure, not knowing her personally or anything, but, I mean, I gathered from the others..."

Can, open. Worms, everywhere.

Nyx didn't know what to say.
From what she'd gathered, Maddie had somehow come through from the reflection... Dimension?... Universe?... Thingummy-wotsit?... Place, but somehow in a separate body to the one comatose in the hospital.
And that Evelyn said she was 'working  on it'.

So she had no idea how to answer this question, what she was allowed to say, what was actually correct, or what even made sense.

"Uh... I was referring to after, once she... You know... Yeah."

Luckily, Owen seemed to be able to take a hint.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't... I mean, that's obviously quite a delicate subject..."

Nyx smiled gratefully. "It's fine. Just a little complicated, that's all.
Anyway... Have you seen this little cake shop up here? It is the cutest place ever."

Walking up the road, they chatted and made small talk, quickly burying the previous conversation in light-hearted nothingness.

It wasn't the most complex, deep conversation, but in a way, it was nice like that.

" You know," Owen commented. "This is the first time I've ever really spent time with you?
I mean, I've spent time with you, but... You know. "

Nyx stifled a giggle. "You have such a way with words.
But yeah, I know."

They're getting on well, aren't they?
Starting to develop a bit of, well, a relationship there, anyway.
Figured Owen needed some more development, as I essentially forgot he existed for most of the beginning of this book, which is not a good sign for a character! Oops!

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