Rusty Cogs

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From one unsavoury housemate to another, Luci was starting to wonder if this was the lot she'd been doomed to in life.

To be fair, the new place was very grand. Filled with elegant furniture and richly decorated rooms, she couldn't help but think of it as a snapshot of what Evelyn's mansion could have been, before she'd opened it up to the rabble; although it being overrun by demons hadn't helped.

Now once again she was living within the same walls as Lilith; and whilst it was just them three, the place itself felt foreboding.

Billy, however, was not of the same mind. Terrified as he was of the demon, he'd sold himself on the place almost immediately, with the words "Massive clock!"
The - rented? Stolen? Conjured into existence? - apartment lay in a clock tower, and consequently one of the walls in the front room gave way to the see-through back of the clock, something which grabbed Billy's attention almost immediately.

Even now, Luci could see him with his face pressed up against the glass, watching the cogs work.
Luci chuckled, shaking her head. It was the longest she'd seen something hold his attention in quite a while.

Turning, Luci walked back into the dining room. "I still say we take his lady-friend. Make him come to us. Or heck, just camp-out at her house! He'll probably show up again, just because he left already doesn't mean he won't go back. He's been returning there every night for bloody ages, for crying out loud!"

A look from Lilith made her quieten, voice trailing off from where it had risen unknowingly loud.

"They're fine plans, Lucia, but not quite yet. " Lilith said nonchalantly, examining some papers spread out on the table. "Not until some things have been accounted for."

"What 'things'?" Luci muttered irritably. There was a pause, and she huffed loudly, annoyed she was evidently being ignored.

Frustratedly, she went back to her cleaning supplies, picking up her mop off the floor.

"And in a minute, William, you can come here and get something to wipe that dirty nose mark off the window."

Billy pouted, crossing his arms stroppyly across his chest.

And a chapter checking in on Luci! Yay, what do you think? :)

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