Boredom And Miracles

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Nyx skipped happily down the stairs, bounding energetically into the kitchen.

Travis looked up from his bowl of cereal.
"Morning! Hey, no nightmares last night, huh? Didn't hear you cry out."

"Nope." Nyx said, popping the 'p' cheerily.
"Well, a few weird ones. But I slept through! At least, until three when Abby decided it was time to get up.
Tell me, how do you go about teaching a baby what a lie in is?"

"Not a clue. You can probably Google it though. They've got everything on there."

"Yeah." Nyx replied, not really listening.
Last nights dreams had had some particularly strange elements...

Jackson showed up later that day, apparently having heard that Rachel was recovering from being extremely unwell, although how much he knew exactly, Nyx both didn't know and didn't care.

He'd turned up with a nice bouquet of flowers, having cleaned up quite a bit since last time.

The highlight of the visit, however, had been when Owen had helpfully gone to the door, and, having no idea who Jackson was, had politely informed him that Catherine weren't looking to buy car insurance, thank you very much.

Both she and Travis had rolled up at that one, laughing until they couldn't breathe.

Now, Jackson was in Rachel's room, sitting by her bed and talking away avidly with her, making her laugh at frequent intervals.

Nyx didn't really mind, if he managed to brighten up Rachel's day, then it could only be good.
Assuming he didn't attempt to get any money from her.

Meanwhile, she was essentially walking circles around her room.

Not literally just walking round and round in circles, but just... Drifting, not really quite sure what to do with herself.

She was unnaturally restless.

Something was itching at her, something she couldn't quite...


She flopped onto her bed, kicking her feet up in the air with the momentum, flopping dramatically over the duvet.

As she stared at the ceiling, it brought to mind her extremely blurry, peculiar dreams from the night before.

She couldn't help but think... Just think... She didn't know what to think anymore.

Rolling off her bed with a grown, she walked out of her room onto the landing, and hopped down the stairs, only to swing on the end of the bannister.

"Ugh, I'm bored! I want something to do!"

Travis chuckled from the lounge. "It's good for you. Find something to do!"

"Like what?"

"Use your imagination."

"Says the one playing video games to fill his spare time."

"Come and play then, I'm not stopping... Hang on a tick."

His phone was going off in his pocket.

He picked it up.

"Hello? Yeah...Yeah... Uh huh. Yeah... Oh my god!"

He pulled the phone from his ear.

"Nyx, you should get bored more, it makes bloody miracles happen!"

"Huh?" Nyx questioned. "What's happened?"

"Maddie's awake."

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