Leaving Home

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"So, you're leaving home?"

"Yes." Billy lisped, nodding his head and looking determined.
"Because I told you to stop naggin' at me and moanin' at me, and you didn't, so I'm leaving."

He adjusted his foil wrapped box under one arm, a large cuddly toy tiger tucked under the other, a sports bag of bits slung across his back.

His mother squashed back a snigger.
"Oh, really? Are you sure? You're really going to go and leave your poor old mummy all alone?"

Her amused smile was bleeding through, she could feel it on her face, plain as day no matter how much she tried to hide it.

Billy glared at her. "I'm not kiddin', I'm really goin' to go dis time."

"Okay, I believe you." She said, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.
"So, where shall you be going on this journey after you leave here?"

"Uh... Spain... Or Antar'tica... Or Gweenland... Or Dorset."

"Dorset. Right. Lovely. And do you have money to travel to these strange and distant lands?"

"Big Tiger's got it." He gestured to the cuddly toy under his arm.

"Big Tiger's got it. Okay. And have you got a nice packed lunch for the journey?"

"Yes. You don't need to be so funny about it all, I am quite wesponisible, you know."

"Well, you're going to have to be, if you're going to make it to the wilds of Dorset all on your own."

Billy stomped his foot angrily. " I'm being serwious! I'm going and I'm not coming back ever never!"

Luci reached over and pulled open the door.
"Go on then. You're all set, I hope you have a lovely time. Send me a postcard when you get to Greenland or Antarctica or wherever."

"I'm not lyin'! I'm never never coming back!" He insisted, annoyed that he wasn't getting a bigger rise out of his mother.

"Love you." Luci cooed in response, grinning.

With his unzipped coat flapping, sleeves sliding partway down his arms, he turned and walked out of the door, making a show of walking up the short length of drive, and then turning down the pavement, looking back every two seconds to see if his mother's reaction had changed yet.

Luci leant against the doorframe, watching her small son walking up the road, determination staining every stride.

Sensing someone behind her, she looked back into the hallway, and saw Sebastian, frozen Mid-september, looking very confused, obviously having just watched their interaction.

Luci gestured to the direction Billy had just gone.
"Oh, it's alright. He's 'left home' when he's upset before. Packs up all his worldly goods, makes a big show of leaving, then goes around the corner, waits ten minutes to punish me, eats his sandwiches and comes home.

Look, if you come over here, you can see him just around the corner there..."

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