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Luci was folding the ironing when the loud crashing sound echoed from upstairs.

"William, what are you doing?"

"Uh... 'Bastian did it! '

"No, he's down here."

"Uh... He did it earlier and it just broke off now!"

Luci groaned. "Holy... Look, you better not have been trying to scale the side of the wardrobe with that ridiculous homemade grappling hook again!"

There was a telling silence, broken only by the patter of rushing footsteps from upstairs, as the young boy clearly tried to stash the evidence.

Luci rolled her eyes, swiftly folding a dark shirt and tossing it down on the chair, before stalking away from the pile of clothing and pushing open the door to the lounge, walking in and flopping down on the sofa.

She reached for the control box, turning on the TV, and flicking through the channels.

She turned her head to Sebastian, who was giving her a very cold look from his end of the sofa, eyes narrowed suspiciously.

Luci smirked. "What? It's as much my house as it is yours."

She scrolled through the programmes.
"No... nope... boring... boring... childish... Just awful... Oh, that's good! No, wait, it's the remake, never mind...
Honey, you can't literally burn holes in my head by glaring."

"Why are you in here?" He growled confrontationally.

She gestured to the screen. "You've got the only TV.
Or at least, the only one that a certain someone hasn't stripped for parts already. " She said, gesturing to the floor above with her head.
"Don't know how he managed to get the back off the one in the dinning room without a screwdriver, but somehow, he did.
God, is there nothing decent on TV anymore? Who wants to watch a documentary on the history of Barbie, really?"

She threw the remote down onto the couch. "Fuck it. God, I'm going crazy in this house. "

A loud crash ensued from upstairs.

"For fucks sake, William!" she yelled, getting up off the sofa and striding angrily up the stairs.
"What the fuck are you doing now?"

" 's an avalanche. Rocks loosened by meltin' snow!"

"It's furniture loosened by you with the goddamn broom!"

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