[Chapter Nine]

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Elliot deepened the kiss once the shock of it passed. For my first kiss, actually second but the first one didn't count, it was beyond amazing. He and I just seemed to know what we were supposed to do, and I didn't want it to stop, and neither did he. But we both had to breath, and as we parted to breath, Elliot placed his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes tightly because I might freak out if I look into his blue eyes.

"Are you okay?" Elliot whispered, as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Elliot, I don't know what overcame me. I'm sorry. So sorry." I whispered, as I stepped back and quickly backed myself against the wall. Elliot looked at me, as his expression fell.

"Hey, don't apologize." He spoke, and I swallowed hard.

"We are only 13. I'm not even ready to slow dance with a boy, let alone kiss one. And then I go and kiss you. God, I'm so stupid!" I exclaimed, as I went to the door, but struggled to open it.

Something just happened. I was fearing what may come from the kiss, because in reality I hadn't expected to have gotten a real first kiss this early in my life.

Elliot quickly walked over to the door, and he wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me close as I started to cry. I clung to him as everything just got worse. 


Elliot went downstairs and told my parents that I was sick, so we left right away. I went home and changed into pajamas, before laying on my bed and just staring ahead numbly as I thought about what I did. 

"Livvie, love, are you awake?" My mother questioned quietly, as she poked her head into my room. I tried not to move, but then I had to sneeze.

Once I recovered from my sneeze, my mother came into my room and sat on the edge of my bed. She reached out and gently caressed my hair for a moment, and then she placed her hand to my forehead, checking if I had a fever.

"Mom, I'm not sick." I whispered, because I didn't want to lie to her. She eyed me as she went back to caressing my hair.

"What happened, bean?" She questioned.

"I kissed Elliot." I replied, and her eyes went wide.

"You kissed him?" She questioned, as she smiled a bit.

"Yeah, I did." I whispered.

"Oh love. I didn't think you'd be so willing to kiss him after he kissed you."

"It was just in the heat of the moment. Then I just kinda panicked. I had just kissed my best friend, and I didn't want everything to go down the drain. I can't think of losing Elliot. Mom, he's my best friend." I spoke, and she nodded.

"I know he is, sweetie. But you never know what may come from a simple kiss."

"It was more than a simple kiss." I whispered, and she swallowed hard.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"It was perfect. I never knew that I'd like kissing a boy, especially Elliot, but I really liked it."


2 Years Later

Elliot placed his hand to the back of my head, as he pulled me closer. Our lips continued to press against each other, as the movie played. We hadn't even watched any of the movie, because as soon as the lights turned off, we were making out in the far corner of the theater.

"Elliot, I think the movie is over." I mumbled into his lips, as the music played through the credits.

"No!" He moaned, as he removed his lips from mine, and leaned his head against my shoulder.

"El, if you just wanted to make out, we could've did it in your car instead of paying for tickets and soda." I sighed as I looked at my boyfriend. He sighed, before nodding.

"I guess. But it's my money that we paid for the movie with, not yours." He smirked, before he kissed my forehead gently.

Elliot and I got up and filtered out behind everyone else. We made it outside, and saw Elliot's father standing against his car. Elliot wasn't driving yet, but he had a car that we could've just sat in and made out, instead of going to a movie.

"How was the movie?" Elliot's father asked, as he stood up and walked around to the driver's side door.

"Good, Mr. Stabler." I spoke, as I tried to be a good liar, but instead Joseph started to laugh.

"What?" Elliot asked, as he opened the backdoor for me.

"Next time you both decide to lie, realize that Olivia was wearing lipstick and now it is covering her face." He smirked, and I sighed.

"Elliot, this is your fault." I huffed, as he started to laugh with his father.


After I was dropped off at home, I went upstairs and changed before heading back downstairs to where my parents were playing poker with a few of their friends.

"Hey, love. How was the movie?" My mother asked, as I walked over and hugged her shoulders. I looked at her cards before sighing.

"It was crappy. Elliot was very distracting." I replied, and she chuckled as my father and his friend started to make vomiting noises.

"You still got a little bit of lipstick on your top lip, sweetie." My mother spoke, as she turned to look at me. I sighed as I stood and wiped it off with my thumb.

"Great. Well I'm going to get something to eat, then I'm going upstairs to finish home-"

"You are going to be talking to your boyfriend as usual. God, two years of you dating him, and our phone is always in your room." My father huffed, and I smiled.

"Oh you like Elliot. And he isn't going anywhere. So, deal with it. And I'm out!"


As I laid in bed talking to Elliot, I started to fall asleep.

"So, how long have we been together?" My boyfriend asked, and I opened my eyes slowly.

"Uh, next Monday is our anniversary. Two years together." I smiled.

"Okay, well I was thinking we could go out to dinner."  Elliot spoke, and I chuckled softly.

"Chicken nuggets and fries?" I teased, and he did a fake laugh that made me smile.

"No, Olivia. I mean a fancy dinner. One where we can celebrate being together for two years. It's impressive for kids our ages. We are both almost 16, and it's crazy to think that we started to date right before we turned 14." Elliot sighed, and I grinned.

"Elliot, it's been the best. I'm glad that I didn't turn you off when I kissed you." I spoke.

"Nah, you never could. I love you, Liv."

"I love you too, El. Night."

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