[Chapter Thirty-Three]

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I laid in bed that night, while Cynthia slept deeply in hers. I don't know how she is sleeping, but maybe it's because she doesn't feel guilty like I do. But I knew that maybe if I could get some information on her twin, and her mother, that I could make it up to her.

I climbed out of bed and headed up the stairs. I heard the coffee maker turn on as I entered the kitchen, and that is when I realized how truly late it was, well technically early because Joseph and Bernie were up already for work.

"Liv?" Joseph asked, as he looked up from the eggs he was scrambling.

"Hey. Uh, Bernie, can I talk to you real quick?" I asked, and my future mother in law looked at me.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, and I shrugged.

"I may need another favor. I know that I have asked for more favors that anyone else in this whole house, but I really need one more." I breathed.

"Yeah, come on. I have to take the trash out anyway. Talk to me as we walk." She spoke, and I nodded.

I slipped on some shoes before we walked outside. I grabbed a can and she grabbed the other one as we headed down the driveway.

"So what is the favor?" She asked slowly.

"Well, do you think you could get some information on Cynthia for me?" I questioned, and she shrugged.

"Depends on what information you need." She replied.

"Well, I want to find her twin. I know that Cynthia was put up for adoption, but was she surrendered at a fire station, church, or hospital? Taken from her mother? I just want as much information on her as possible, because if there is a chance her mom may be alive, and not dead like she thinks, I could help her find her. She doesn't like me talking to Serena, so maybe if I find her mother she'll see how important a relationship with your bio mom can be." I spoke, and she nodded.

"Love, I'll try but I can't promise you anything. And if I can do this, it'll take a few weeks." She spoke, and I nodded as I sat the trash can down. Once she sat hers down, I hugged her tightly.

"Thank you so much." I breathed, and she chuckled as she rubbed my back gently.

"Of course."


Over the next few weeks, Cynthia didn't talk to me that often. Just the normal friendly, but not like she's my real friend talks. And I didn't even know if she was going to want to be my sister anymore, even if Bernie manages to give me information on her mother.

"Are you the only one home?" Bernie asked, when she got home after work one night. I looked up from my textbook and nodded.

"Yeah, Elliot is out with some friends, and Cynthia signed up for extra hours at the hospital. How was work?" I asked, and she sighed as she sat down in front of me slid a folder towards me.

"This is everything you asked for, and you are going to be shocked." Bernie spoke, and I quickly close my book and held the folder in my hands as they shook.

"Bernie, why am I going to be shocked?" I asked, because I didn't want to open this and start freaking out completely.

"Cynthia was taken from her mother after she was born. By the sounds of it, the mother was in a really bad spot and was in and out of consciousness, and she was left with one daughter, but the other was taken."

"Is her mother still alive?" I questioned, as I slowly opened the folder, but didn't look at the top paper. I wanted Bernie to tell me.

"Liv, I need you to promise that you won't get upset about this." She spoke, and I sighed.

"Why would I get upset? I can go and tell my sister that I found all the information that she has ever wanted about her mother!" I exclaimed.

"Because she's your sister!" Bernie exclaimed, and I nodded.

"I know! I was there was she was adopted!" I exclaimed back.

"Not like that! She's your sister! Serena is her mother!"


I was shocked to say the least. CPS took my sister after we were born, and didn't tell Serena that she had two daughters? Cynthia and I didn't have the same birthday, so did her first foster home just pick a day to celebrate her birthday? How is Cynthia and Serena going to respond when they find out?

So I decided to write Cynthia a letter to explain what I found out, and then I went and found Elliot so I could talk to him.


Cynthia's POV

"Bernie, where is everyone?" I asked, as I entered the house. Like when I moved in here, it always seemed busy and loud, but tonight it was quiet and it was really weird.

"Liv is with Elliot. Joseph is sleeping, and I decided to stay up and wait for you." She spoke, as she stood and handed me an envelope.

"You didn't have to. I'm sorry I was late. My friends went out for drinks and I was the designated driver."

"Oh, well, read this and then head to bed. Night, sweetie." She spoke, before she kissed my cheek. She walked out of the kitchen, as I headed towards the basement.

I flopped down on my bed, before tearing the envelope opening, and starting to read the letter.


Ever since I told you that I'm trying to have a relationship with Serena, I've felt guilty. Your mother gave you up for adoption, or at least that is what your case worker told you. I wanted to give you some closure, but I couldn't without help. So I asked Bernie to try and find your mother, and your twin.

Under my pillow is the folder with all the information you need, but don't read that until I can break you the news.

Well, here goes nothing...

When you were born, you were the older twin, and the younger one was a girl. Not identical, so I guess it worked out for you because you've known her since you were adopted, well before that. Your mother was raped, and you and your twin were the product of that rape. Not even your mother knows that she gave birth to twins, but she'll know soon.

Here's some information about your sister. She's me. I'm your twin, and even as I'm writing this, I don't understand how that is true, but the DNA proves it. I put Serena's number in the folder so you can contact you or not. But once I get home, or whenever you are ready, contact me on my phone or face to face.

But Cy, I'm sorry that I'm the biological sister you are stuck with, and that Serena is your mother. But I love you, and that will never change, whether we are adopted siblings or biological.



Tears ran down my cheeks as I stood up and walked to her bed. I lifted her pillow and pulled out the folder. 

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