[Chapter Fifty-Four]

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I sighed as I looked at the open door and saw Munch standing there.

"Liv, what are you doing here?" He asked, and I frowned.

"Elliot and I got into a fight and I left. I went to stay with Serena and my sister, but Serena kicked me out. I can't drive because I'm on pain medication, so I took a cab here and slept here." I frowned.

"I'll take you to your apartment. Come on." He spoke, and I shook my head.

"Captain, I won't work on this case. I can just answer phones and give cases to the other detectives." I spoke.

"Kid, you gotta go home and recover. You-" 

"Don't say it. I know." I huffed, before standing slowly. I leaned down and grabbed my bags, before turning and walked towards him.

"Your father would hate me so much for letting you get hurt." He mumbled, and I frowned.

"He hates me for not fighting back."


I went against medical advice and drove the home. I walked up the stairs slowly and unlocked my apartment. Elliot wasn't here because he was probably still sleeping at his parents' house, and now I'm here and alone and still scared.

I tossed my bags on my bedroom floor before slowly laying on my bed, and once again I just laid there and listened to the sounds of the city and watched as the sun started to shine through my window. As my eyes started to flutter shut, I heard the door open and I heard Elliot sigh.

"Liv?" He questioned, and I frowned deeply as I pushed myself up.

"I'll leave." I frowned. I've been leaving a lot lately, and there just isn't a place where I'm welcome.

"No, stay. I'm just going to shower and then head into work." He spoke, as he walked into the bedroom. Elliot walked into the bathroom and started the shower, while I waited for him to get in, I actually fell asleep.

"I told you to let me go." I spat, as George held onto my arm tightly as he pushed me against a wall in the alley he made me pull into.

"No, because you are going to arrest me for raping Penny and I won't have that." He smiled, before slamming his fist into my stomach. I groaned deeply as I doubled over, and because I was at the right height for him to slam his knee into my ribs over and over again, he did.

"Just stop!" I screamed, as he got on top of me and started to feel my breasts with one hand while he pinned me down with the other. I was in too much pain, that my fighting back wasn't working that well, and he liked the fact that I fought his very sexual touches.

"Just let it happen! Maybe I won't try to kill you if you just let me do this." He moaned, and I kneed him in his balls, and he started to punch my face and go back at my ribs again. 

"Maybe I'll kill you. Then you can't arrest me." He smirked.

As I laid there trying to get him to stop, I didn't know how no one heard what was happening. How no one realized that I was being hurt in here, or if they did they just ignored it. 

"Liv, wake up," Elliot spoke, and I heard his voice, but I could still see what George was doing to me.

"Olivia, wake up baby!" He exclaimed, and as Elliot continued to shake me, I eventually woke up.

"What?" I asked, tearfully. I sat up and stared at my husband as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"You were screaming, baby. My god." He breathed. I pulled my legs to my chest and sobbed into them as Elliot sank onto the bed next to me. He wrapped his arms around my body and held me close.

"I'm so sorry, Elliot!" I sobbed as I looked up at him.

"Why are you sorry?" He asked.

"Because I yelled at you." I sniffled.

"Oh don't apologize for that. I deserved it. I promise that I'm done pushing you. You don't have to stay with my parents. We can stay here. We can deal with this together." He breathed, before kissing my temple gently.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered over and over again as I buried my face into his shoulder as he held me closer.


I ended up getting into contact with my old therapist a week after my attack. She was the same therapist that I talked to before and after I was adopted, but ever since Elliot and I fell in love when we were just 13, I didn't need to go to therapy anymore. But now I do.

"Olivia, you have grown up so much." Dr. Beckham smiled, as I walked into her office.

"Yeah, people tend to do that when the last time you saw them was about 14 years ago." I smiled a bit.

"So, I assume you married that boy?"

"Yeah, I married that boy. He and I have been married for almost 5 years." I spoke.

"So, what do you need to talk about today?" She asked, and I swallowed hard as we sat down.

"I was sexually assaulted a week ago." I breathed.

"Olivia." She frowned, and I shrugged.

"I was just trying to help a distraught man get to the hospital where his girlfriend was, but he was the man who put his girlfriend in the hospital." I breathed.

"Are you having nightmares again?" She spoke, and I nodded.

"Yeah, Elliot has to wake me up every night because I start screaming."

"What do you see while you are in your nightmare?" She mused.

"Every time I see exactly what George did to me. It never changes and it drives me nuts. I was supposed to go to therapy when I took my detective's exam but I got out of it, but I almost wonder if I had gone that I would've been able to notice that the man had horrible motives."

"Olivia, you love helping people. Even when you were just a little girl you loved to go to work with your mother and pretend to help people. She told me that if you were wondering. But I think that maybe you need to just be a bit suspicous sometimes. You can still do your job, but I recommend that you come here once a week so I can help you with the recovery, and I recommend that you work with a male partner, one that you can trust."

"Why?" I asked, slightly confused.

"So you can learn to trust men that aren't apart of your family." She spoke, and I nodded slowly.


"Good, now, let's continue."

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