[Chapter One-Hundred-Twenty-One]

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I carried a couple of boxes of items we wanted to keep into the house. My sister walked behind me, but neither of us said a thing. I walked over to the counter once we walked into the house and I sat the boxes down on the counter.

"Okay, I'm going to grab the bag of the blankets and stuff and get them in the washer." I spoke, and she nodded.

"When do you think you'll get an appointment to confirm?"

"Cy, I love you and all, but I'm tired and I don't want to think about that right now. Just go up to your apartment and get some rest or just relax. I'll deal with all of this stuff. I'm just gonna put the boxes in the attic till we decide what we want to do with this all." I spoke. Cynthia nodded, but she didn't say a thing.

Usually when I get into this type of mindset where I'm stressed out and upset, talking to me and forcing me into thinking about I don't want to isn't a good idea.


I washed, dried, and folded all of the blankets that my mother had kept at her house. Some of them were from my old room, others were just throw blankets. I put them away once I was done washing them, and when I was walking down the stairs from the linen closet, Elliot and Mary walked into the house. 

"Suspended?" I asked, and she nodded.

"I'm going to do my work." She sighed, before walking past me and heading up the stairs. I looked at my husband who just shook his head.

"What are we going to do about her, El?" I mused.

"No idea, Liv. She keeps getting into fights. The school said that if she does one more thing, she'll be expelled."

"Oh great. How the hell are we going to be able to find a school that will take her after she gets expelled?" I questioned.

"I. Don't. Know." He growled, and I eyed him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I questioned.

"Just back off, okay? I need to get back to work. She's your problem until I get home tomorrow morning. Maybe tomorrow night."

"Is this about the baby? Is this why you are on edge and pissed off at anything that moves?" I huffed.

"I'm not ready for another kid. That is all I'm going to say about it. Bye."

"It takes two to make a kid!" I yelled, as he slammed the front door.


Mary ate the sandwich I brought up to her room for her lunch, but she didn't leave her bedroom. She knew that she was grounded again, and didn't want to stir the pot with me after I got into a fight with her father.

"Momma!" Chris exclaimed, as he came into the house with the sitter. She had picked him up after school because she already had Meredith with her.

"Hey, baby." I spoke, as he came running to me. I wrapped my arms around his body before sending him to wash his hands. I took my baby from the sitter before thanking her. When I was getting Meredith's bag unpacked, Mary came downstairs.

"Where's Chris?" She questioned, but then her little brother ran into the room and attacked her with a hug.

"Hi, Mary! Why weren't you outside the school at the end of the day?" Chris asked, and Mary frowned.

"I got in trouble again." She frowned deeply.

"Tell them to stop being mean to you, Mary. Or I will." Chris huffed, before walking over and sitting down on the sofa.

"Is someone being mean to you, Mary?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"No. I'm using that as an excuse for Chris." Mary whispered, and I frowned.

"Chris, don't get yourself in trouble, okay? I can't have you all home." I spoke, as I sat Meredith down before handing her a small rag doll.

"Oh, but we'd have so much fun!" He exclaimed, a smile on his lips and his anger having faded.

"We would but you need to go to school. Mary, go grab your plate and put it in the sink. Chris, work on your homework."


Cynthia, the kids, and I spent the night together. Mary started her punishment for getting suspended again, which right now was just dishes and vacuuming the living room. I already took away her computer and she would only be allowed to use the desk top computer in the living room if her homework needed it.

But once Cy went to her apartment and crashed for the night, and my kids were all sleeping, I was alone.

Sitting here all alone made me feel like having another baby would be nice because then I'd at least have something to do late at night. Late night feedings, diaper changes, cuddling. It all sounded very nice to me right now. But it might sound good right now, but I know that Elliot and I were going to start fighting about this in the morning or tomorrow night and it wouldn't sound good anymore.

My parents used to tell me that I was a blessing. That I gave them the abilitly to be parents, and that everyday they thanked God for me. Elliot and I were thankful for our children, but now it doesn't seem like Elliot is thankful for the one that we just found out about.


Mary slept in the next morning, so when she did get up it was in the middle of a screaming match between Elliot and myself. Meredith was screaming in the living room, but I couldn't go to her because Elliot wouldn't shut up.

He just kept saying that we couldn't have another baby. That everything is so screwed up right now. That it made more sense to just get rid of the baby and try again in the future, when we are really ready.

"Stop saying that, Elliot Stabler! You aren't the type of man to ask me to do that! You son of a-" I started, but then Mary came into the kitchen. She had Meredith placed on her hip.

"Just stop fighting, okay?! I'm tired of you two yelling about abortions and not wanting the baby. It's just an innocent little life! I don't care what you say, but you didn't expect to adopt me or Chris. And I know for a fact that you didn't expect to get pregnant with Meredith. We were all surprises, and that baby is too. So shut up and get over it!" Mary yelled, before carrying Meredith from the room and up the stairs. 

I felt like my stomach had knots in it. I hated to fight where my kids can hear it, and I hated that the fight was about this of all thing.

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