[Chapter One-Hundred-Thirteen]

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Everything went by easily. Cynthia continued to get better and her emotional status was so much better. Mary was doing great in school and even told me about a boy she had a huge crush on. Chris was Chris. He was happy and doing good in school. He was still as sweet and adorable as the day we met him. Meredith was growing bigger and stronger. She was pulling herself up on anything she could reach, and she was giggling almost none stop because she thought everything was funny. Serena was doing great and she was still dating a guy but refused to let us meet him. Then there was Elliot and me.

We were both still in love with each other, and we were doing great at work. We were happy being parents to the three amazing kids that we have, and we were happy with what we decided to do for a living. I was in a weird place in my life where I'm like completely happy. In the almost 30 years I've been alive, I've been happy, but I wasn't as happy as I am right now.

Of course, some selfish asshole had to shit on that.

"All of the electronics, minus our cells and Mary's laptop, are gone," Elliot spoke, as I vacuumed up glass in our living room. Someone broke into our house and destroyed it.

"Great." I huffed.

"I haven't checked Cy's apartment, but I think I'm going to. Then once we have this cleaned up and file the police report, we are heading out to my parents' house."

"Are you sure they are okay with us staying there?" I asked as I glanced out the broken front window to see a cop car pull up. We called them and I told them that I was going to clean up the glass because I didn't want anyone to get hurt. Everything else was left were it was and as it was.

"Yeah. They are still in Florida." Elliot spoke. He walked over and kissed the back of my head before using the bottom of his shirt to open the front door.

"Welcome to our home. It's a slight mess right now because someone was an ass." Elliot spoke. The officers were from our precinct, and we knew them.

"I'm sorry, guys. This really sucks." Dwight spoke.

"Yeah, well just do what you need to do. I'm gonna go upstairs and start packing."


"Momma!" Chris yelled as he ran out of Bernie and Joseph's house. He sprinted to me and wrapped his arms around my waist once he got close enough.

"Hey, honey. I'm sorry about what happened. Are you okay?" I asked. Chris and Mary got off of the bus and saw that someone broke in. They were both freaking out and went to our neighbor's house and called us.

"It was scary getting home to see it was broken into!" He exclaimed.

"I know. I'm so sorry. Do you think you'll be able to sleep tonight?" I asked as I picked him up. Elliot bumped me with his hip as he walked past with two of the suitcases.

"Can I sleep with you and Daddy?" He asked as he rested his head against my shoulder.

"We will have to see, Chrissy. Did you finish your homework?" I questioned.

"No! I've been so upset I couldn't think!" He cried. I knew he was starting to cry those fake forced tears.

"No, Mister. You still have to do your homework even if we aren't in our own home."


"Your apartment was untouched. Serena, your room was tossed up like the rest of the house." Elliot spoke, as he sat beside me. I was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee in my hands. Cynthia and Serena were sitting on the loveseat listening to what we could tell them about the robbery.

"Well, then I can go home I guess." Cynthia laughed softly. I shook my head as I rolled my eyes.

"No one is going home until we can get security cameras, the windows are fixed, and we can catch the bastard," Elliot spoke.

"Have you talked to the kids yet?" Serena asked.

"About the break-in? Kinda. I talked to Chris, but Mary was quiet when I tried to talk to her." I spoke.

"Maybe you should." Cynthia breathed. I sighed before pushing myself up. I sat my mug on the coffee table before heading upstairs to where my kids were supposed to be sleeping.

"Mary?" I whispered as I opened the door to the room she and Chris were sharing.

"Mom?" Mary whispered back.

"Come here, honey," I spoke. She climbed off of the twin bed and slipped on her slippers before walking towards me.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the hall before shutting the door.

"Mom? What's this about?" Mary asked.

"Wanna talk?" I asked.

"Uh, I want to sleep." She replied.

"Honey," I spoke, and she sighed.

"Every foster home I had been in was broken into. Drug addicts, drunks, just mean people were always breaking in. It scared me a bit when I got home with Chrissy and saw the front window was completely shattered, I was scared because my safe place was no longer safe. Chrissy was scared to death about it, so I just picked him up and ran across the street. I didn't know if someone was in there still and wanted to hurt my baby brother. And I was just... I didn't think bad things happened to good people. And I'm a good person now."

"Some jackass just wanted to get what we have. We can replace the stuff we lost. And honey, bad stuff still happens to good people, like how I lost my parents. Like how you were targeted in the foster home fire." I spoke. Her eyes went wide.

"Mom, I wasn't a good person back then."

"You were, and that hasn't changed. Our home is still safe. And once we get back home, no one will be able to kick us out again." I smiled. I drew her close and hugged her warmly. She leaned her head against my shoulder and sighed.

"Can I go to bed now? Are you not going to get all cheesy again?" She spoke.

"Oh go to sleep. I'm done with you tonight, Stabler."

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