[Chapter One-Hundred-Fourteen]

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We stayed at Bernie and Joseph's place for about two weeks. During the time the window was repaired, a few minor issues were found in the foundation and in the walls. So we got another contractor to work those issues out. We watched our precinct work on catching the jackass who broke into our house.

"Alright, Mom?" I questioned, as I sat my mug in the sink and rinsed it out before just sitting it in the sink.

"Yes, my child?" Serena questioned, as she kept her eyes trained on her phone. She had been texting her boyfriend back and forth pretty much all morning. It was like she was a teenager again.

"Can you run the kids to school? Cy is picking them up on her way home." I spoke, as I started to put coffee in the two togo mugs.

"Sure. Is Cy staying here with them tonight? I have a date." Serena replied. I rolled my eyes before sighing.

"Yeah. She'll be here all night. And I have another question for you."

"And that other question is?" 

"Who is this guy who is taking all your time up and making you not even make eye contact with me?" I mused.


"Mother, is he going to be my new Daddy?" I asked, and she groaned as she stood up and left the kitchen.

"You have to leave in twenty minutes, Mom!"

"Why is mom upset?" Cynthia asked as she walked into the kitchen. I smiled at her before shrugging.

"She just won't let us meet the guy she's been seeing. I also might've asked if he is going to be our future Daddy." I grinned.

"Olivia, that's why I'm her favorite."

"And it's because she didn't have to raise you for 6 years. That's another reason."


Elliot and I went to work and started on a domestic violence case, but when I was walking back from the coffee pots, I heard my cell ring. I pulled it from my pocket and sighed when I saw the school's number.

"Hello?" I questioned.

"Mrs. Stabler, I'm Principal Duncan. I'm calling to ask you why neither of your children are in school today? Did you forget to call them in?" He asked. My eyes went wide as I sat down.

"My mother was supposed to drop the kids off. Uh, I'm sorry. I'll figure this out right now." I spoke, before hanging up.

"What's wrong?" Elliot asked.

"Serena didn't drop Mary nor Chris off at school. I need you to cover for me so I can go back to the house and check this out." I sighed.

"Well call her first. Then we can freak out."

I sank down onto my chair again and dialed the house number. I waited a few moments before Chris answered.


"Chrissy, what are you doing at home?" I asked, and Elliot sighed as he heard me say that.

"Grandma left and we couldn't get a ride." Chris sighed.

"Grandma was supposed to give you a ride! Where's Mary?" I huffed.

There were some muffled words before Mary grabbed the phone from Chris.


"Yeah, did Grandma tell you where she was going?" I mused.

"No. She was talking to her boyfriend or someone and then just left. She didn't say a thing to us. Can you come and get us? I have a test after lunch and I don't want to miss it."

"Yeah. I will. If she gets home before I get out there, tell her to wait around. I need to talk to her."


Serena wasn't back at the house when I got there. I was pissed off and knew I couldn't trust her anymore. Something about the guy she was dating was really just changing her drastically. I got the kids around and then took them to school before heading back to the precinct. When I got there, Elliot stood up.

"Liv." He breathed.

"What?" I replied.

"Uh, John needs to see you. In his office. Now." Elliot spoke. I could see fear or sadness in his eyes. I sat my jacket down and walked towards John's office.

"John, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Liv, can you sit please?" He asked, and that's when I saw Dr. Olivet sitting in a chair in front of his desk. I was worried that I did something wrong and now she had to come in and interview me.

"John, what's happening?" I asked, nervously. I sank down onto the hard chair that was here when my father was here, and I started to play with my wedding band.

"Olivia, there was an accident," Elizabeth spoke, as she looked at me.

"Okay? Uh, mind telling me what happened? I'm kinda starting to freak out a bit." I breathed.

"Your mother was in a car accident," John spoke. My eyes went wide as I stood.

"Where is she?" I asked slowly.

"She's at the ME's office." John breathed. I felt tears well in my eyes. I fell back into the seat and started to sob.

John left the room and after a moment, Elliot came in. He pulled me to my feet and held me close.


I shook as I walked down the hall of the hospital to find Cynthia. I was told she was in one of the break rooms and I had searched two on this floor and this was the last one. I opened the door and saw my sister barely awake on the chairs, a sandwich in front of her.

"Cy," I spoke.

"Liv?" She yawned, as she pushed herself up a bit and gave me a tired smile.

"Cy, can you come with me?" I asked.

"Did Elliot get hurt again?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"No, honey." I breathed.

"What's wrong? Have you been crying?"

"Cy, I need you to just take a deep breath..." I trailed off, as I felt my hands start to shake. I hated telling people a loved one died, and it just made it worse that it was my mother. Our mother.

"Liv, just tell me!" Cynthia exclaimed.

"Mom got into the car with her boyfriend earlier. He was drunk, and they got into a car accident... Mom didn't make it, Cy."

"W-what?" She whimpered.

"Mom died, Cy. Now I need you to pack up your stuff so we can go identify her body... she's with my ME, and we are going to figure out what really happened. Exactly." I whispered.

"Max is never going to know her." She sniffled. I helped my sister up and I held her as we both started to cry again.

We lost Marge and Don, and now Serena. Who will we lose next?

Hey guys! So I'm sorry. I just feel like Serena ended up being a character I never wrote about too much anymore. So, please vote and comment all of your feedback below. Thanks for reading...

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