[Chapter Ninety-One]

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It was weird living out of a hotel for the next month. Elliot and I rarely spent time there, but when we did, it was only because we needed to shower and change, and because we were both tired of sleeping in chairs in Christopher's hospital room.

Over that month, Christopher had to go through a hard recovery to even get close to where he had been before he got sick so suddenly. Every day he worked for hours to build up strength in his arms and legs again. It was hard for him to build strength in his legs, and even as he got better at working, he needed braces and crutches to walk around. He went to speech therapy every day, and his words became more defined and weren't slurred together as much. He no longer called Elliot 'Pa' or myself 'Ma'. 

"I'm so happy we get to go home tomorrow." I sighed, as I laid down on the bed in our hotel room. I closed my eyes and let out a loud yawn as Elliot got into the mini fridge and grabbed a piece of cold pizza and started to eat it as if we didn't just eat dinner.

"I am too. Your mom is gonna be at the house when we get there, right?" Elliot asked, and I smiled as I ran my hands over my stomach.

"Mhmm. I really miss her." I spoke. She had finished the six months of jail time, and now she could finally come home and even if we had kicked her out in the first place, she promised us that she'd go to AA meetings and Cynthia even asked her therapist for help finding a therapist for Serena. So now she would be getting help from a therapist and other sober people who know how hard it is to stay sober.

"I bet. Now, we should probably pack tonight so we can just go pick up Christopher and head home." Elliot spoke, as he flopped down beside me. I opened my eyes and looked at him and sighed.

"Can't you pack?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"Nope. You know that my packing is actually just balling all of the clothes up, dirty and clean, and putting them together into the same suitcase. And we don't want to have to do extra laundry when we get home, right?" He smiled, and I rolled my eyes in response. I pushed myself up and leaned against the pillows and sighed.

"Thanks for staying here with us, El." I breathed.

"It's where I'm meant to be. I just wish that it hadn't gone down as it had. I was really hoping that my parents would be supporting us and Christopher, but instead, they are taking Josie's side."

"Louisa is on our side. And come on, she's the better sister." I spoke, and Elliot smiled.

"Yeah, she doesn't have her head up her ass so I guess it's good. She doesn't hate us for having kids."


"Alright, are you ready to go home?" I asked Christopher, as I climbed into the passenger seat of the car. I looked back at my son and he was smiling largely.

"I'm so ready to get home!" He exclaimed, his eyes sparkling from the large smile on his lips.

"Alright, well Grandma Serena and Auntie Cy will be there when we get home," Elliot spoke, and our son's eyes went wider.

"Grandma's gonna be there?!" He exclaimed, and Elliot smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, she's gonna be staying with us again, Chris. And we are going to show her how to help you with your exercises so you don't have to have us help you all the time. I bet you are bored of having us around you all the time."

"No, I'm not. I really like you two." Christopher smirked, as Elliot waited to turn.

"Well, I'm glad you really like us because we are going to be annoying you forever."


Chris was doing really good being home and away from all of the nurses and doctors that had been working with him for the nearly 5 weeks he was there. We didn't know if we should send him back to school right away or not, because we didn't want to send him back to a place where he didn't want to be, or that will cause him the anxiety that he's been working very hard to overcome.

My mother and sister had set up a banner and everything for when Christopher got home, and they even bought him cupcakes which are the one thing he had been complaining about not being allowed to eat at the hospital because they said they were too filled with sugar. But he's come so far, so we were going to let him have one and then continue with his fancy diet to help him continue to recover.

"Grandma!" Christopher exclaimed as he walked as quickly as he could through the front door of our house. Serena stood up from the couch and quickly hugged him.

"Oh, I've missed you so much, baby!" She exclaimed, and Christopher clung to her.

"I've missed you too! Please don't go away again, okay? Meredith and I need you!" He exclaimed, and Serena and Cynthia both looked confused who this Meredith was.

"Meredith?" Cynthia asked, and I sighed as I helped Christopher take his jacket off, which was a task because he needed his crutches for balance reasons.

"Meredith Finley Stabler is what we are naming the baby." Elliot smiled, as I walked passed him. He grabbed me by my waist and stopped me so he could run his hand over my stomach.

"We all had a lot of downtime, surprisingly, so we decided it was time to start calling the baby something. And Meredith was on the top of both Elliot and I's lists for baby names. And Christopher liked the name Finley." I spoke, as I squirmed out of Elliot's grasp and hung Christopher's jacket up.

"Good to know that we don't just call her the baby now." Cynthia smiled, as I turned around. She walked to me and hugged me warmly.

"It's getting even more real now, but I'm excited. I'm happy that my kids are both healthy and I cannot wait to meet Meredith."

Guys, I swear this book is going to reach the 200 chapter limit. So far, this is my longest running book, but I just love it so much that I don't want to end it any time soon!

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