[Chapter One-Hundred-Sixteen]

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I walked out of the room Cynthia was staying in, and I walked down the hall as the sound of sobbing filled my ears. I slowly opened the door to the room that Mary and Chris were sharing, and I found my daughter sitting on the floor next to her bed, sobbing so loudly that Chris had woken up. He quickly ran from the room as I walked in, and I knew he was going to crash with Elliot.

I walked over and sank down beside my daughter, before wrapping my arms around her body. She quickly clung to me, as I rubbed her back gently.

"Mary, I think this is the time to discuss your feelings about losing Grandma..." I trailed off, before leaning down and kissing the top of her head.

"She accepted me, Mom! She didn't care that I was some stupid foster kid, she just cared that I was happy and healthy. She loved me, Mom, and I didn't tell her that I loved her often enough!" Mary cried. 

I held her close and just stayed quiet. She needed to speak, while I just listened. Serena was too good at that all the time, but she listened when I truly needed her to.

"I want Grandma back. I hate that she's gone because of that man! He was a monster before, and is still a monster!" Mary sobbed.

"What? Mary, you know her boyfriend?" I asked, and Mary nodded slowly.

"Y-yeah. He used to hurt Kevin and me while we were staying with him."


"I think he found her to get to me. I think I'm the reason why Grandma is dead. Because I hadn't died when he tried to kill me. I ran instead and now you don't have parents."


I couldn't be angry at my daughter, because I knew that she didn't cause my mother to die. It was the bastard that was driving drunk that killed her. I got her back into bed and I caressed her hair until she fell asleep. Once she was asleep, I went and laid in bed with Elliot and Chris. Chris cuddled close to me, and I looked at Elliot as he rolled over.

"It was Mary, wasn't it?" He whispered, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm going into work tomorrow and I'm in interrogating the bastard," I replied.

"Liv, I'm only allowed to work on the case because then I can give you all the information. You can't work it because your mother died." Elliot whispered.

"My mother was killed by a drunk man who possibly hurt our child."

"What?!" Elliot hissed.

"Allen used to hurt Mary and Kevin. He came and got together with my mother because he wanted to hurt our daughter too. So I'm going in and if you want to try and stop me, have fun but you can't stop me."


I got dressed and went downstairs to take care of my family. I made Cynthia, Mary, and Chris breakfast, before going upstairs and getting Meredith ready for the day. While I was feeding her breakfast, they came downstairs.

"Momma?" Chris asked, as Elliot walked around him and went to get coffee.

"Yeah?" I questioned, as I fed Meredith another spoonful of oatmeal.

"Are we going to school today?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"No, honey. Today you are all spending time with Auntie Cy. Right?" I asked my sister, and she nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I need time with my nieces and nephew," Cynthia replied.

"So I'm going to call you both in and then before I go to work, I'm going to stop and get your homework. If you both want, you don't have to finish the week, Daddy and I talked about it." I spoke.

"I wanna go to school," Mary mumbled, but I shook my head.

"Take this time off to relax, okay? Mary, everyone understands." I spoke.

"Just because I was upset last night, doesn't mean I'm upset right now. Just leave me alone and let me go to school. I'm not you." Mary spat. She stomped out of the room, and I frowned deeply.

"I guess she's going to school. Chris, do you want to also?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"No, because I started to cry last night..." He frowned. 

"It's okay. You and Auntie Cy can play a game or something. And then you are the oldest and get to spend time with Mere." I smiled and he nodded.

"I'll be nice, I promise." He breathed. I stood up and passed the spoon to my husband before walking over to the stairs.

"We are leaving in ten minutes, so be ready!"


Mary was angry at me, just because I was trying to take care of her and help her. So I dropped her off at school, then I drove to the precinct. Elliot was already there, and he and I walked up together.

"John isn't too happy about you coming in." He spoke, and I nodded.

"I'm not very surprised. Mary isn't very happy about me telling her she could stay home, so no one is happy around me today." I huffed. Elliot opened the door to the top of the stairs for me and I walked through while he followed. We headed towards the squad room, and when we got there, Allen Channing was just being led in.

"He looks like a scumbag." I sighed.

"He's cocky and thinks that since he has some money, he can get away with this all." Elliot sighed.

"He's going to pay for hurting my kid and for killing my mother." I huffed. I walked away from my husband and walked towards the interrogation room. John yelled my name, but I just walked into the room and shut the door. Fin turned around and looked at me with wide eyes.


"Allen Channing, I didn't expect to meet you like this," I spoke, as I sank down beside Fin and crossed my arms over my chest.

"And who are you?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm Detective Benson. I'm one of the daughters who doesn't have a mother anymore. Serena Benson, the one you killed?" I spoke.

"You're Olivia." He smiled, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I am. And guess what, you just killed the one way into my family so you could hurt my kid again. So, mind telling me what you thought when you got into the car, drunk, and drove my mother around. She was sober." I breathed.

"Because she was my girlfriend. I loved her." He smirked, and I just slammed my hands against the table before grabbing him by his collar and pulled him put as I stood. I could see the fear in his eyes, and I smiled.

"These are Serena's eyes. And I bet she was looking at you with this same anger as I am now... are you scared, Allen? Scared that this is the last time you'll be free for the rest of your life? Because you should be." I spoke, before releasing his collar and he fell back into his seat.

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