[Chapter Twenty]

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Since this book is at almost 1000 reads, and this is chapter 20, I'm going to write a longer chapter. Enjoy! :D

"Olivia, we are gonna get you out of here. You didn't commit a horrible crime, so I'm hoping that your clean record will help get you off." Johnathan spoke, as he flipped through my file.

"I could get a year in jail over this, Johnathan. They don't care that I haven't did anything bad, because in the end, I'm a cop's daughter and they want to make me the scapegoat. They don't want everyone to think the court system and the cops are working together to let everyone off." I huffed, as I ran my hands through my hair.

"I can at least try to get you parole. Has anyone came to visit you?" He questioned, and I shook my head.

"No one that can help me. Only Cynthia. Not even my boyfriend or his parents."

"Where are your parents? I haven't been able to get a hold of them." He questioned.

"They are in Boston. Trying to get Cynthia's father to let them adopt her. I'm not important to them anymore, so if I go to jail, have a record and completely miss senior year, they could care less." I frowned.

"Alright, I'm going to contact everyone I know there. I need you to not get into any fights, and to be respectful. Please." He begged, and I nodded.

"I know. I'll try." I spoke. He stood and got ready to leave, before stopping and looking at me.

"What's Elliot's number?" He questioned, and I shook my head.

"Don't even try. If he didn't show up now, two days after I was arrested, I doubt he'll ever show up. Thanks though."


I laid on the top bunk, and I listened to the girl who I was sharing the cell with snore. She kept tossing and turning, but she slept and I didn't. I hate to sound snotty, but I'm not meant to be here. I want to do good during my lifetime, and I can't when I'm in jail. I might not even make it to school this year, because I may be in jail till this time next year depending if anyone can help me.

"Breakfast." The guard spoke, as he stood outside of our cell door. The girl on the bottom bunk climbed out of bed and grabbed her tray, before looking up at me.

"Did you hear him?" She questioned, and I just rolled over onto my side and stared at the wall.

I heard her say something about giving me my food, before she sat down and started to eat the slop they served here.

"At least you are only in here on assault charges." She huffed, and I sighed.

"How'd you find that out?" I questioned.

"It's not hard to find that shit out. They put those who did the same thing together. Most of the time."

"I didn't mean to hurt her, I swear." I spoke, as I jumped down from the top bunk, and stood in front of her.

She smiled a bit at me, and nodded in agreement.

"I was arrested for assaulted a police officer. I was just helping this kid find him mom, and the cops thought I kidnapped him. I would never do that, because my brother was kidnapped when I was younger. I could see his mom, but the cop was pulling me off of him. So I swung a bit, but instead of her letting me go, so claimed I hit her, when I didn't even make contact." She frowned, as she patted the mattress. 

I sank down next to her, and she handed me the tray she had sitting on the other side of her. I opened the banana and frowned.

"How old are you?" I questioned.

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