[Chapter One-Hundred-Thirty-Seven]

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The kids knew that I couldn't do a lot of moving around, so most of the day we just hung out in the living room at the top of the stairs. The kids talked about school and Chris gave me all of the pictures that he drew for me, but then he said he couldn't give me the pictures he drew for Charlie.

"Why not?" I asked as Elliot wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Because you aren't Charlie, Momma." Chris giggled, before sitting the folder that was marked with a big 'C', onto the coffee table.


"Nope," Chris replied, before standing up and walking to me. He smiled at me, before kissing my cheek gently.

"You are such a tease." I sighed, before handing the drawings to Mary, and she flipped through them as a smile grew on her lips.

"So, what else should we do?" Elliot asked, as Chris walked over and sat on the floor. As soon as he did, Meredith started to pass him toys.

"Honestly, there is nothing else to do. I've been so bored this last week, and I'm sorry this weekend can't be more exciting." I replied, before shifting a bit closer to my husband. He kissed my temple gently, before looking around the room.

"We should go into town. Or see if it might be the right day to catch some fish." Elliot smiled, and the kids agreed quickly, even though Meredith didn't know what was going on. I turned and looked at my husband and I shook my head.

"Great. Just leave me here all alone." I huffed, before pushing myself up. I was going to flee into my room, but instead, my husband lifted me into his arms before I could complain and fight him on it.

"No one said you had to walk at all. Now, Mrs. Stabler, stop throwing a fit or else you aren't invited to go fishing."

"You are going to kill yourself trying to do this, Elliot." I huffed, as he sat me back onto my feet.

"So? At least I'll die making my wife happy."


I sat on the edge of the dock with my legs crossed underneath my body as the breeze blew my hair away from my face. I just sat and listened to my son, husband, and daughters laughing as Elliot tried to put the worm on the hook. I heard Meredith scream when he succeeded, and then she ran up and quickly sat beside me as she wrapped her arms around my arm.

"He hurt him, Momma." Meredith whimpered, as she looked up at me. I gave her a small frown before leaning down and kissing the top of her head.

"The worm didn't feel it, baby. Don't worry." I replied, hoping to not scar my daughter for the rest of her life. She laid her head against my arm and just sat there beside me. She didn't squirm or go running off. She just sat there and listened with me. 

"Birdy!" Meredith exclaimed, and I looked to see where she was pointing, and I smiled when I saw a swan on the other side of the small lake.

"Yeah, baby. Isn't it pretty?" I asked, and she nodded. She just stared at the bird and I just watched her.

Seeing my child so interested in something as simple as seeing a swan makes me feel so happy. Like I'm happy she hasn't had to deal with the hardships of life as early as I had. As her brother and big sister had. Even as her father had. She was lucky that we were all around and ready to protect her from getting her childhood ripped from her grasp.

"Hey, Livvie. Gonna come fish?" Elliot asked as he walked towards us. I wrapped my arm around Meredith's small waist before looking over my shoulder at my husband.

"Maybe you all could join me over here?" I questioned, and Elliot smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I think I can convince our kids to get their butts over here." Elliot grinned before he laid two poles beside me before heading back to talk to Mary and Chris.

"I help?" Meredith asked, and I nodded.

"You can help reel in a fish if they are biting today, Merebear."


We all caught some small fish, but none were big enough to keep. And even if they were, Meredith wouldn't have allowed us too because she fell in love with each fish we caught and named them all. 

But being away from the house and just being in a place with just my kids and husband helped me relax a lot. I enjoyed it, and so did my family. But before we knew it, it was nearing dark and Elliot knew that his parents would be worried if we were out much longer. So we got the kids in the car, and we headed back home. Meredith passed out in her car seat, right beside her big brother who was also sleeping. Mary was texting her friend Rose, and we let her because it was the first time she got her phone out today.

"So, did you have fun?" Elliot asked as he grabbed my hand. I squeezed his hand gently and smiled.

"Yeah, I actually did. At first, I thought you were just being an ass to me but instead you were just trying to make me actually enjoy staying in Maine against my will." I replied, and Elliot smiled.

"It's hard for you. And I know you haven't hidden it. But Liv, it's for the best. You know? It's not like you are going to be pregnant forever, so eventually, you and Charlie will be home with us. It'll be great. All four of our kids will be at home where we can spend time with them. Annoy them. Embarrass them." Elliot spoke, and I laughed softly.

"I love you, Stabler. Thank you again... I didn't want you guys up here, but I guess I needed to have you guys up here. I hope that by next week my blood pressure will be down and I'll be closer to coming home to you all."

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