[Chapter One-Hundred-Thirty-Four]

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I wasn't feeling better the next morning. I was so tired and so weak feeling, which got Elliot to worry more than he was the night before. I tried to keep telling him that nothing was wrong, that it was just like when I overdid it and got exhausted when I was pregnant with Meredith. But Elliot wouldn't listen and he called my doctor and asked if she could see me this morning.

"Elliot, I saw her last week. She's just going to say that probably Charlie is going through a growth spurt and that's why I'm so tired." I spoke, as Elliot and I walked into my doctor's office.

"I could care less about what you think she'll say. We have barely been back together for that long, and I don't want you to be sick." Elliot spoke. I stopped him and looked him over.

"Am I still gray?" I asked, and Elliot nodded slowly as he reached up and gently caressed my cheek.

"Yeah, and it scares me. You don't even really look like my Olivia." Elliot breathed. I frowned before stepping forward and hugging him tightly. He wrapped his arms around my body and held me close as he pressed gentle kisses to my hair.

"If she says I'm just overly tired, I'll stay in bed and take care of myself as long as it puts your mind at ease." I breathed quietly.

"Thank you," Elliot whispered before he looked at his watch and then pulled himself away from my body.

"We are gonna be late if we don't go now," Elliot spoke.


I sat on the examination table and my doctor took my blood pressure and sighed.

"It's high." She spoke, and I frowned.

"Great." I sighed. She looked at me and frowned.

"What has been happening in your life, Olivia?" She questioned quietly.

"A lot of stress," Elliot spoke before I could lie. I looked at my husband and gave him a nasty look but he just smiled a bit at me.

"Olivia, you know that being stressed is dangerous." She spoke, and I nodded.

"I do know. But I can't just walk away from it now. I have kids and I have work-"

"And you are heavily pregnant and need to be stress free. Now, until you can figure out how to push this stress from your life, I want you to be on bedrest and you will also be staying either in the hospital or-"

"My parents have a cabin up in Maine. Can I take her there?" Elliot asked, and I quickly looked at him as tears welled in my eyes. I didn't want to be away from my children... away from my family.

"As long as you can get her to appointments with a doctor up there then yes. I need your blood pressure to go down, considerably." My doctor spoke and I nodded slowly.

"Okay..." I whispered tearfully.

"It's for your sake and the sake of your son, Olivia."


Elliot called his parents and arranged for Bernie and Joseph to come to stay with me in Maine. I was so pissed off at my husband for shipping me off, but we both want our son to be alive and not get hurt.

"So, what did your doctor say?" Cynthia asked, as Elliot headed upstairs and sank down onto the loveseat.

"My blood pressure is high," I spoke.

"So, how are they going to help you?" Cynthia asked.

"They are going to put me on bedrest till it goes down." I frowned, as tears welled in my eyes.

"Okay, well I'll take care of you and I'll help with Meredith," Cynthia spoke, as my daughter turned around from where she was playing with a small tea set.

"Momma? You sad?" Meredith asked, and I bit my lip before reaching a hand out to her. She walked over to me and I lifted her up before holding her as close as I could.

"I'm fine, baby. Were you good for Aunt Cy this morning?" I mused, and my daughter nodded quickly.

"Yeah!" She squealed, and I smiled.

"Tell me all about it."


I didn't want to tell Cynthia about me having to go away to Maine for a bit. I felt like my husband was ashamed of me and sending me away, but he was just doing it to make sure Charlie and I stay healthy.

But at dinner, with my sister and my kids sitting at the table, I knew it was time to tell them.

"How was your appointment, Mom?" Mary asked, and I swallowed hard.

"Uh, my blood pressure is high. And it's serious." I breathed.

"Serious? What?" Mary asked, as she set her fork down and looked at me.

"Honey, I have to be on bedrest till my blood pressure goes down." I frowned.

"But you can stay here, right?" Mary asked as I felt all of my families eyes go to me, other than Elliot's.

"Your mother is going to Maine to rest and get better. It'll only be for a week or so." Elliot spoke, and Chris shook his head.

"No, Momma you gotta stay!" Chris exclaimed.

"Baby I have to go... I don't want to but I have to. Okay? I'll be home soon." I replied, but my son didn't want me to leave. He stood up and started to throw a fit like he once did before when we had Lea staying with us.

I stood up slowly and grabbed my son by his arms and stopped him. I looked back at Elliot and he quickly told everyone to give us the room. He walked over to me and he came over and knelt in front of Chris as he sobbed.

"Chrissy. You can't be doing this, bud." Elliot breathed, as I tried to fight off tears.

"I don't want Momma to go away! Daddy-" Chris cried, but then he couldn't even finish because he was sobbing again. He fought my grip and he turned around and looked at me.

I wanted to promise my son that he could come with me to Maine, but thinking about him doing bad things in the future was what was causing my stress.

I just pulled my son close and kissed the top of his head.

"I don't want to go either, Chrissy."

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