[Chapter Eighty-Four]

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Joseph came over in the morning with breakfast, but I just stared at my plate. I didn't have any urge to eat, all I wanted to do was see my little Chrissy again. Elliot came home while everyone was eating, and I quickly stood up and walked to the front door. He stood there and shook his head.

"We can't find them." He spoke, before walking past me and going upstairs. I ran my hands over my face before following him up the stairs.

Elliot was turning on the shower when I walked into the bathroom and leaned against the counter.

"Do you think we lost him?" I breathed, and Elliot shrugged as he turned to look at me.

"I don't know, Liv. I can't think about anything but our kid not being treated like he should. His blanket and teddy bear is here. He isn't sleeping, I'm sure of that. But wherever he isn't sleeping, I don't know where that is."

"Can I help?" I asked, and Elliot frowned and shook his head.

"Stay home and sleep. You are so worn down. Go eat some breakfast and take a nap."

"I don't want to live without him," I whispered before leaving the bathroom and heading towards our bedroom. I was going to head into the precinct with or without his permission because Christopher is just as much my son. And I want to find him.


I walked out of the bathroom at the precinct and headed towards my desk when I heard Cynthia yell my name. I turned around and crossed my arms over my stomach.

"What are you doing here? I told you to stay at home in case Christopher calls or something."

"Elliot is going to Pennsylvania. Someone said that they saw Christopher and called it in. He wanted me to come in and take you home."

"How many small boys have red hair? It's probably not him. Dane would've driven all night to get him away from us." I sighed, as I walked to my desk and sank down in my chair.

"Have you've given up hope altogether?"

"Yeah, I have," I whispered as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"You can't. I won't allow it. You have to stay hopeful for Chris and that kid. Now, let's go home."

"No, I'm going to try and figure out any special places that Chrissy told me about and get in contact with people who know them. I'm going to help find my son."

"Then let me help." She spoke, as she grabbed the chair next to my desk and moved it next to me.


"There may be a full unit at least looking for Christopher, but having his Aunt help will make a difference. So, tell me what to do."


Cynthia and I ended up in the cribs around 5 in the morning. The second day of not having Chris came to a close and I was even more upset than the day before. This all happened so suddenly, that I wish I would've just let him stay home so maybe he wouldn't have been tempted to actually leave.

"Alright, we found the parents last night, Captain," Fin spoke, as I walked out of the cribs.

"Okay, Fin, send that list over to Narcotics and get another squad to work this case." John spoke.

"Liv, I thought you and Cynthia went home," John spoke, and I shook my head.

"No, we didn't want to go home. My in-laws are there waiting. The babysitting case is closed?"

"Almost. But we are working totally on Christopher's case now." He replied, and I nodded.

"I'm guessing you are going to tell me to go home since you sent me home during the other case?"

"No, you are staying. Elliot said that it was a false lead. It wasn't Christopher in Pennsylvania. He is on his way back and is going to work the case here."

"Okay." I breathed.

"So, have you been able to think about anything Christopher might be looking forward to or a place he used to go to with his biological parents?"

"We are planning on going to Maine in about 6 weeks. He used to talk about stores and arcades and stuff, but none of those places have seen him or Dane. He must've gotten far because he left an hour before we got to the school to get Chris."

"Okay. Are you renting the cabin for the weekend in Maine?"

"No, Bernie and Joseph own it. It's their vacation home. Do you think that maybe they went there?"

"Maybe, Liv. He always talked about it to me." Fin spoke, and I nodded slowly before grabbing my desk phone and dialing my house number.


It was crazy to think about how a man could kill his wife, and then kidnap his son without thinking about what might happen. Did he really believe that Elliot and I wouldn't search for him, because if he really didn't, he's about as smart as dirt.

The drive to Maine was long, but about halfway to the cabin, an officer stopped him.

"Is there something wrong?" Fin asked. Elliot and Brian, and Monique and John were in the sedans behind us.

"Well, we got a call from a homeowner out here, and he said his neighbors are out of town, but there was a fire in their wood stove. He could see the smoke from his kitchen window."

"Where is this house?" Fin sighed, as he looked eagerly at the officer.

"About two miles up the road. It's a small cabin, and it's down a long dirt driveway. I can escort you to the driveway, but then you should take it from there."

"Okay, thanks."

Once we pulled off the side of the road again, the officer took us down the road but kept his lights off. We made it to the end of the driveway, and he said he was calling backup. We all drove down the driveway a bit, but before we could even see the cabin, everyone got out and I stood and watched as they got their bulletproof vests on.

"Just please don't kill Dane, alright? We don't need Christopher hating us more." I spoke, as I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jacket, and sighed.

"We got this, Liv. I promise." My husband spoke, and I nodded slowly. He came over to me and hugged me tightly, before kissing me deeply.

"I'm getting Christopher back. He has to be here. And if not, we will go to my parents' cabin and he'll probably be there."

"Be careful, guys," I spoke, as they all came over and hugged me before heading up the rest of the driveway. I stood against one of the sedans and prayed silently.

I wanted Christopher to be safe, but my crew and husband were facing a murderer, and I was scared for their safety. So they all better be safe and sound at the end of this, or I'm going to feel responsible.

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