Christmas Eve 2

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Jude's POV

-Ha! I don't think I deserve it.- That was my last dish which I needed to wash and as soon as I have done it, Tim spun me in a few seconds like he spun the lucky wheel, standing against him, facing each other's faces, lifting with his both fingers my chin, piercing each other's looks, staring right at my soul with his passionate chocolate eyes with a broad and intelligent smile.

-Judy! What are you even saying? Of course, you deserve it! No man hasn't delivered the whole world and love to you because they have underestimated and seen you as a pretty woman only. But they haven't seen you in your entire light, spotting your inner beauty instead of judging you by its book cover. Do you hear me?- His both hands cupped my both cheeks in tender way, sensing his fingertips touching my smooth skin. I was ultimately speechless. 

I nodded frugally, whispering with a simple "Yes!" just to not carry on with the dramatic moment. Then he leant his head, his lips getting closer, striving for an invasion of mine. Once our lips crashed, our kisses became more tense and sensual, followed by a duel between our tongues, throughout his tongue won, making its own way as an entrance inside my mouth, developing a French kiss. During the kissing process, one of his hands' fingers tangling in its roots one of my curly golden hair locks, playing with it. His left hand squeezing my tiny waist whilst my both arms were wrapped around his mellow neck, feeling the creamy his skin being crossed by my fingers through it smoothly. He bit my bottom lip with his sharp teeth in sexy way, causing me to moan in delighting way. Our eyes were closed, enjoying with enormous pleasure the special moment until I muttered by interrupting the kiss:

-Mmm,I love it! It is sweet but Tim...Tim! Don't you think we should go to the church to pray and then to begin to prepare the Christmas meals, do you? - Opening my eyes by muttering with my brittle Boston accent.

-Oh yes, we almost forgot about it, Jude! Pardon if we are hasting slightly.- Timothy apologized with a guilty face by blushing like a school boy.

-We aren't hasting, dear! Everything is fine! I do enjoy this prominent moment. I haven't experienced it cordially especially with the right person, admitting it frankly.

-Glad to hear that! *I didn't take seriously his joke about the rushing by chuckling again* I already know this, you know. 

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