Ireland 1

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"Aww, look at you, little Tris." Valerie exclaimed blissfully as her hand managed to stroke the little boy's tiny head as he had somewhat more hair than his sister.

The young red-haired maid couldn't help but smile at the both twins who eventually put them to sleep in their bassinets a few minutes prior. She bathed them and changed their outfits so quickly as she was agile, besides she knew how to take care of a baby as she get used to Shona when she was their age even younger.

A broad smile diffused on her shining, youthful face as her eyes clarified, watching efortlessly Ellie and Tristan.

"How about you, Ellie?" She poked with index her shoulder as she giggled sweetly to her babysitter, relishing the love, warmness and attention that she earned. Likewise, Valerie didn't want to disappoint the another baby for lacking of attention, subsequently fussing.

"Yaaaaaa-aaaah!" The baby boy squealed satisfied as she stroked the twins' heads in the same time. Tristan was beyond blissful for earning attention, love and warmness just like his older sibling though he sensed something was missing. It wasn't just missing. It was like a fragment. A fragment of the family.

"Oh, sweethearts. Aren't you already tired?" She enquired, noting their pout faces when she just mentioned the word "tired". She knew right away that they weren't sleepy at all. Otherwise, they wanted to play more and their parents.

"Naa, mama." Ellie replied as her other tiny hand reached for her large one compared to their, reclining them on her palm as she sensed the softness.

Afterwards the young lady stared down at the little girl as her hazel eyes moved from the first to the second twin reluctantly, offering her a smile.

"Mama isn't here, sorry, Ellie. I am Valerie. Your Mommy's and Daddy's friend."

"Nana." The younger boy squealed louder than his sister for Ms.Volkova's surprise as she looked down with amused face.

"Aww, Tris! You are so cute. Just like your parents, you know that?" She inquired as he started babbling to her, enforcing her megawatt smile to curl up across her lips. "Good. Because your sister is cute too. Making no exception."

After Ellie heard how Valerie was discussing her even mentioning the keyword "cute" as it indicated her including her brother, she couldn't be more delighted as she giggled.

On other hand, the red-haired maid was further off heartbroken for not being with her real family, Shona and Velika. Despite the circumstances, Velika was looking after Shona whenever her chances allow her, not because of anything. It's crucially because of her hectic shifts in the hospital. Either morning or night shifts, she is an occupied lady.


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