Back at home After Labour

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As Timothy's patience was reckoned, his heart pulsating, awaiting already around 3 hours the doctors let Jude being released from the hospital, so that the beatific family can go home at last. 

Meanwhile the younger female doctor, who guided Jude during her both labours about her baby progress, interracted to her middle aged patient who laid on the patient bed yet, her body relaxing from the heavy but exciting experience that she had a several hours ago twice, delicating stroking her untamed, still unbrushed for more than 12 hours golden hair like an Old Hollywood actress, which was still under the projector's lights with its tempting charm, glossiness, sleekness. 

"Mrs.Howard, it's high time to being released!"  The doctor told the former nun as she opened her eyes widely, looking at the doctor in overwhelming way, once she heard the splendid news, her ears sharpened like a bat, her heart skipped a beat abruptly. 

The patient just nod her head as she stood from the patient bed, dressing up herself into her casual clothes that she wore before being accepted in the hospital as she stripped from her slightly chubbier than before her pregnancy body, thus leaving room 205 as she emerged in front of her husband's eyes for first time, a little after the second labour as he looked up at her with petrified, howsoever, gleeful face.

His radiant, illuminating smile grew as his heart raced, as soon as his wife left outright room 205. Meanwhile she took a seat next to him as her smile twinkled, rapidly growing, sensing her epidermis bristeled of excitement to behold her husband and children again. She took Ellie into her arms as Timothy permitted her, lastly uttering her first words after her release, breaking the intense, however, romantic hush between them.

"It's such an enormous pleasure to see three of you again, you know!" She stated proudly as she swayed her daughter into her petite, nonetheless, protective arms, kissing every family member's cheek, peeping at Mr.Howard to make sure if either his eyes were darted into his wife or their children more.

"Yes, it is! I had waited for almost four straight hours. However, It was entertaining and nice how I had the chance to be with the children, rare bird!" Timothy said the first sentence with somewhat exasperated voice, thereafter continuing with his speech that was contrary to the first one. He pursued for Jude's gorgeous, cunning hazel eyes which were one of his favorite physical features of his wife as well.

"Don't worry, everything is fine! At least, we can go home finally!" She turned her face as she could note Timothy's cheerful, obsessed gape into her face especially her eyes, grinning as they kissed their lips with a short, feather, howsoever, romantic kiss, which healed and compensating the painful hours of Mrs.Howard's absence. 

Then the couple giggled as their giggle was mixed with their baby twins' babbling in this moment, standing from the chairs as they walked through the artifically illuminated hospital's corridors, searching for the exit so that to get back at home. 

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