Merry Christmas

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3 hours later...

Timothy's POV

I woke up, opening my eyes from the tranquil sleep for a handful hours, rubbing my eyes, without causing any sound, in fact that Jude still sleeps like a baby squirrel, her both hands wrapped around my head. I looked up at the clock, displaying 3AM in the morning which tremendously astonished me. Whoa! I have slept 3 straight hours. I was motionless. 

Suddenly, Jude woke up, opening her down to earth and ravishing hazel eyes, looking at me, thereafter her look turned into a gape, filled with love, passion and joy, smiling to me like a radiant angel, sent from God to guard me. 

-Merry Christmas, sweetie!- I said with gleeful voice by stroking pleasantly Judy's stunning long golden hair, her curls sailing through my refined, thin fingers like waves that are swaying in the splendid golden sea of the miracles.

-Merry Christmas to you too, darling!- She replied with a broad smile, cuddling against each other's bodies warmly and tightly, consequently our lips meeting, swapping a light, howsoever, brief romantic kiss.

-What are we waiting for?*I raised an eyebrow onbnoxiously*Let's raid the presents under the Christmas tree.- Tim insisted like a hectit little boy who has lack of patience to check what is hiding behind his Christmas present, grinning along.

-Let's do it!

We hopped out of the goth couch, hasting to the Christmas tree, crouching in sitting position by taking the boxes with the abstract ribbons upon them. As I was eaged to check what is inside the "pandora" box, Timothy stopped me with an interruption:

-Sweetheart, don't be too blunt and quick! First of all, I have an idea.- His words darted right into my conscience, hopefully interrupting me before it was too late to unbox the present. 

-What an idea?- I turned back, facing him, our eyes meeting as the time has stopped. He wore such a daredevil smirk.

-Well, let's open the presents by taking turns I mean for example you open firstly the gift, thus I am after you and vice versa. You know this manner, right?* nodding my head by backing him up* Good! It's your turn, sweetie. The ladies first as always.- He gestured, awaring me to start first.

-Okay. Let me see...*unwrapping the very first Christmas gift, thereafter remaining speechless, my enthusiasm burning in my heart, my blood boiling violently in my vains due to childish excitement* Aww, that is really sweet of your side, Tim! A humble red petal necklace...*caressing the necklace from the both edges cautiously* for me?- My swiftly throbbing heart was near the rim to leap out of my chest. I couldn't believe what my darling gave me as a Christmas gift- I am absolutely in love with the classical jewelries and clothes despite they are so common, he had chosen smartly the best one for me. My eyes pupils' abruptly widened rapidly.

-Yes, for you, my rara avis, of course!*kissing my right cheek* Thank you very much!*my cheeks heating even more* Check your present too, honey! - I requested with rejoicing smile, awaiting for Tim's primary reaction as soon as he beholds his gift.

-You are welcome! Okay, it is my turn at last.*opening the Christmas gift, checking what is inside* Oh my! What a cute and pretty gift! An antique black watch. *wowing* I am in love with it already. But not as much as in you, Judy! Don't ever forget that.- He patted my upper back friendly, giggling together.

We carried on to uncase the last 2 gifts per person which contained unique and ultra rare items such as a retro satin red scarf, floral style and shiny black stilettos whilst Timothy received two remarkable presents such as the most recent masculine perfume brand with its alluring odor once you sprayed it wherever you desire; the last present he got was actually a new chestnut velvet jacket. Thanks to those precious gifts which we had exchanged along, they brang us more smiles and happiness. 

Then we sensed our bodies completely fatigued, thereafter doing the last things a little before bed as the usual such as brushing our teeth, taking a quick but fresh shower,cleaning ourselves, washing our hands, changing our clothing from what we wore during the Christmas Eve celebration into our pajamas as I wore this time my appealing red slip though it might remind Tim of the younger nun Sister Mary Eunice who used to wear only once my slip by raping him. Despite the happened, he accomodated to see me in the red slip which penetrated sharply his chocolate eyes, his eyes pupils' widened in spite of restraining ourselves from rushing up in the beginning to be sexually active. 

Eventually we went in bed around 3:30AM, sinking in our firm and devoted cuddles, wishing each other "Good night!", finishing the night with kisses on our lips and positioning ourselves against each other, facing each other.

To be continued...

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