Mourning 2

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When they were on the top of the hill as Jude, Timothy and the children eyed the aesthetically mesmerizing view from high, they can see the swarm of small houses with spacious, gorgeous yards. The sun rays assaulted below with its brightness, warmness, bathing with its sunny light everything. The birds chirped eloquent, sweet bird songs.

"Wow! What a stunning landscape!" Timothy exclaimed in awe as his chocolate eyes were focused on the beauteous late autumn scenery. His heart molted when he beheld from a hill everything. It has been years since he had such an elating experience. Especially sharing this prominent, adorable moment with the love of his life and the children they have and unconditionally love.

"Isn't it, sweetie?" Jude replied with a rhetorical question as she bit her bottom lip flirtatiously, glancing at Timothy's face.

"Definitely!" He reaffirmed then he peeped at Ellie, Tristan and Agnes, giving them a mellow, loving smile on his shining face. "Kids, don't you think it's beautiful?" Timothy's question refered to the three lovely children as they looked down with their huge eyes. They were hypnotised by its undeniable beauty and scared by heights in the same time. Subsequently, they giggled as they turned to face their parents, pursuing for their eyes.

"Yaa, Daddy. It's vewy pwetty!" The children said in unison.

"That's marvelous." Timothy remarked as they sat on the top of the hill, watching the scenery as Jude and Timothy sat next to one another on the grass, relishing this romantic, wonderful moment along. In the meantime, he inhaled relaxingly as his and Jude's faces lit up after hearing their children's sincere opinion on its natural scenery.


Lana couldn't take its agonizing remorse that tormented her mind since she beheld Howards children, reminding her she had a forsaken son in St.Ursula's orphanage. She wanted to bring back her son in her small but luxurious apartment, located in New York. Today was namely the day when she determined to go in the orphanage with special documents which would be tremendously helpful to rescue the little boy from the loneliness, sorrow, growing up motherless as he is encompassed by another children with the same fate just like his and being treated as inferior beings. She experienced a heartache since the last time she met directly with Jude and Timothy, reckoning Ellie, Tristan and Agnes Jude. It changed drastically her worldview in general and on the children, perceiving them in much different way.

Furthermore, whenever Valerie is working as a maid in Howards' mansion and Jude spoke on the phone with the young journalist, the both lesbians had the opportunity to speak to one another as they spent fifteen minutes on the phone at least. They really liked one another since the beginning, besides relishing and cherishing every moment whenever they have the chance to phone each other. Lana promised Valerie to encounter together in Boston one day, without mentioning the day as they haven't arranged it yet.

As the aspiring, juvenile reporter drove her spectacular car as she searched for St.Ursula's orphanage, she wore sunglasses, in case to protect her chocolate eyes from the bright, radiant sun as she drove, ultimately focusing on her driving as it mattered solely now.

What she now was to get her unwanted chwantedild out of the orphanage as soon as possible.

She was awake since six o'clock in the morning, finished drinking her morning coffee with a lit up cigarette to soothe her nerves and prepare her for a long journey in driving until she arrives in Boston to a large extent because of her son.

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