Salem 1

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"And that's what you dreamt of?" Timothy enquired concerned as Jude was in his arms, cuddling on the bench as she rested her head on his broad, muscular shoulder as Jude held the coat by the lapels which Timothy gave her as the chilling nocturnal climate yielded her to tremble. "How I was possessed after the exorcism and I used you for my benefits and pleasured you, and impregnated you? Therefore, you went in the church to pray though I knew right away you kept a secret away from me and you resigned off the church, in account for you and your unborn children's lives, living along with Frank and eventually I came back for you as we reunited?" 

"Mhm. Indeed!" Jude affirmed his words as she scarcely nodded her head, their mesmerized eyes darted to the full moon hovering up in the nocturnal sky with abundance of twinkling stars. "It was particularly strange nightmare with a happy ending." She furthered, forehead creasing.

"Oh, Judy! You know I will never abandon you like in your reverie." He commenced reassuringly, kissing her head. "Because I am not that dumb to throw you away just because of this divine miracle which I has been offered, due to my diligent work as team you remember."

"Exactly, Timothy! I know you will never do such fautous thing to me to pedestal yourself as an exalted Cardinal even Pope." Her plump, lukewarm lips omitted a raspy chuckle as he joined her, rubbing her collarbone. "But the important thing of I have you and you have me, instead of being a childless, unwed holy man, who yearns for power...with nothing left after his generation." She kept on boldly in velvety voice, relishing the nocturnal's silence and mutual desolation as they were the sole people, survived the apocalypstic disasters.

Whilst the couple were outside, watching the night view, seating on the bench, cuddling together, the twins and Agnes were already asleep as they were wrapped up warmly from an hour ago.


2 weeks later

27th of October, 1969

The days passed like the time was flying by. 

The first 2 weeks since Father McKenzie's arrival in Salem, the days were brightly contrasting the ones in Boston, where his life was a scorching hell especially the days when Lana paid a visit to his former office and Briarcliff's exposion, besides exposing the juvenile priest's ghoulist past about the rape case in the former church where he served, taking its place in his dorm, the compounding conditions of the madhouse. 

His professional collaboration with the other priestesses, priests and nuns in the local Salem's church cheered him up, disconnecting him from the issues and his old foes, which he confronted once in the past weeks, months and years. He was feeling like home in Salem since it was his birth place.

As the young, aspiring, stubborn priest was wandering around the gothic church's facade in the verdant yard all alone, whereas the other members of the clergy were occupied with their own engagements, fulfilling their daily schedule, he was thrumming himself a song he recalled from a long time ago as he listened to it as an adolescent, stuck in his head for years and singing to himself, humming when the loneliness encompassed him. 

His music taste wasn't usual at all since he hasn't listened to the contemporary music for the late 60s. Alexander was prone to listen to classical and vintage, however, not romantic at all. The love songs weren't his cup of tea at all. He has never thought of girlfriend even about creating his own family with children and marrying an adorable woman. What was midst his most important things or rather priorities were the priesthood, the power he possessed in the society as a revered, but notorious holy man and the money, of course. His family's fortune wasn't always enough for him. He infernally craved for more and more as he idolized himself and everything he possessed, regardless the past, rivals and everything else as if they didn't exist in this world and oblivion overlayed them. 

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