Lana's Reborn 1

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A few days later...

16th of October, 1968

A handful of days passed since Frank was rescued from Briarcliff's prodigous madness. He was healing and healing slowly. Physically and mentally from the wounds he got. Despite initial Timothy's disapproval to accept Frank and perceiving the fact that the former security guard and Jude are just friends, he mustered with the circumstance for looking after one more person just after Ellie, Tristan and Agnes. 

Furthermore, the autumn days commenced to become colder and colder. Even more rainy. The crispy colorful leaves continued to fall from the trees, leaving no trace of their youthful, seasonal grace they used to have when they blossomed after the winter passed. 

Not only Jude's friendship with Frank developed more with the passing days as they got closer to one another, moreover Timothy, the Howards' future heirs and Valerie enjoyed his company as well. It was particularly obvious that Valerie and the children liked him so much. It was peculiarly odd how Valerie gets along with Timothy and Frank as they were the only men who haven't a hostile nature, in her opinion. Additionally, if Valerie wasn't friend of Jude, otherwise she would be hostile towards the both men, expressing her undeniable disdain towards them.

Frank started to love Jude and Timothy's children as his affection towards them grew with the approaching days. He loved them as their uncle and they loved him back. He can perfectly recognize something sinisterly similar between the twins and his son and daughter as well. 

Dorothea was brunette like Ellie, inheriting her father's hair color though his contemporary is actually gray. Matt was actually blonde just like Tristan, deriving Frank's deceased wife Louise glimmering like the sun blonde hair.

Likewise Jude's old friend wore Timothy's clothes, helping the Howards with what they need, playing with the children, teaching them when their parents and nana are absent. At last but not least, he promised Jude and Timothy to acquaint them with his children one day. The former security guard would like to stay at his old friend's home until he lastly recovers. He mustered as he got more comfortable with the domestic atmosphere though he didn't want to cross the borderline.

Just a couple of minutes before Timothy to get back at home, Jude and Frank were watching TV as they were sitting on the couch beside one another. In the meantime, Ellie and Tristan were seating on two seperate armchairs with their stuffed animals as Agnes's tiny body laid on her mother's lap, encircled by her mother's smooth, secure hand that shielded her youngest infant. 

Valerie returned back at home earlier, as a result of catching cold as she didn't want to spread it all over the Howards' mansion.

It hasn't stopped to rain since the beginning of the day as the crystal drops cascaded, moistening the ground. It resembled the heaven was weeping.

Currently on the TV was broadcasting the evening news. For Jude and Frank's surprise, they saw somebody who they can discern, in fact it was nobody else than Lana. They glued their eyes to the glowing TV screen as they didn't halt to gape dumbfounded  once they saw their old friend on the news.

She was recently on the news as a couple of TV teams were at the place where Lana presented her new book that became one of the best sellers in a matter of weeks Maniac. 

"Ms. Lana Winters was today at one of the libraries in New York, that have been crowded by hundreds of people who were not only her fans and enthusiasts, but also they were inspired by reading her book just in one breath." A juvenile-looking, appealing young reporter with bob chestnut hair declared as she held, squeezing the microphone in her hand. She wore a sympathetic smile across her naturally rosy lips. 

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