Their Night

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A few hours later...

Mr.Howard had already finished his working day as he returned back at home. Furthermore it was raining as he didn't figure it out until he experienced it as he walked out of the kindergarden after his working schedule was over for today. As he wore his chestnut leather jacket, a black and white stripped cotton top with long sleeves, navy blue slacks, black and white trainers, every garment that was on his body was soaked. Even his hair was wet, ruining its hairstyle. Hopefully the kindergarden wasn't far away from his villa that he bought around a decade ago.

Once he unlocked the front door, closing behind himself the door as he kicked off his shoes, hanging the jacket as the house sank in an immense hush. An usual hush! As always and everyday, he expected to be welcomed by the love of his life, Jude. Howsoever, something suspicious could be smelled by him as he peeped at every room on the first floor, even without making his own way to them, exclaiming velvety as his decibels gradually increased.

In the meantime, Jude woke up as she faintly opened her eyes as the babies still slept into her arms. Hopefully they didn't open their eyes and being influented by Timothy addressing his wife's name downstairs. The blonde's heart melted once when she heard her husband's voice and door slam, smiling irresistably, nonetheless she had a wonderful company which kept her from getting up. Ellie and Tristan! They were one of the cardinal reasons why she didn't want to leave them by themselves in the bedroom, with nobody else but with themselves- the siblings. Secondly, isn't there anything more pleasant as a sensation and phenomenon than to cuddle your children or child in your arms as you lay on the bed? Especially as a parent, whose wish came true lastly.

"Jude?" He checked in the living room, the kitchen and even the workshop if his wife is nearby. Unfortunately it was actually a trace of false hope. "Judy? Rare bird? I am already at home."

He raised an eyebrow as no track of Jude can be visible. A thought pop up in his mind. What actually occured into his mind was to check the second floor especially one of the most visited rooms by her. The bedroom.

Alternatively, the former priest went upstairs as his footsteps approached the couple's saunctary, he opened slightly the door as it let out a squeaky noise, provoking the middle aged woman's ears as her eyes were opened yet like an owl, her pulsating heart beating in her chest. She knew right away it was her husband.

As he stood before the doorway as the door was somewhat opened, he peeked as he didn't want to cause any trouble or to disturb her in particular way. In the interim, he wore a mischievous smile across his lips.

"Do not pretend like you haven't seen anything!" She whispered as her whisper was almost inaudible for his ears, however he can really tell what she murmured to him as she turned her back, laying on one side with Ellie and Tristan, their little angels into her arms.

"You are awake?" He enquired with puzzled but rather gleeful voice as he stepped in the bedroom, closing the door, afterwards walking up to her bashfully, smiling. 

He narrowly believed to see his wife with their little precious angels in her arms, hugging them firmly. He honestly beholded such a cute, overwhelming moment as he was in awe to witness it. For first time, he can see the woman of his life with their most precious things in this world especially into her arms. 

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