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Timothy's POV

It was the early afternoon as well. My wife was at work. Anyway I was at home, wearing a black long-sleeved blouse with a pair of ordinary jeans and slippers on my feet, drinking a green tea in the living room as I had already determined myself to phone the job's offer for kindergarden's teacher via the newspapers. 

Once I started to phone the phone number, pending for a response as soon as possible. A female husky voice answered as she enquired:

-Hello?- A middle aged woman answered my call as she echoed.

-Hello Ma'am! I am amongst one of the candidates who is tremendously enthusiased to work with kindergarden children as their teacher. Furthermore, your job offer on the newspapers grabbed my attention instantly once it was related with a collaboration with children.- I replied to the older woman as she coughed in the end of my last sentence.

-Very good, Mister! I am glad to hear that. It would be quite delighting if we know your name as you could tell us right away.- The unknown lady's voice kept on as she insisted to know my name as well. 

-Timothy Howard! - I replicated abruptly as I was aloof, nevertheless, I am going to be extremely proud and gleeful if they suggest me an interview on my supposed new working place.

-Timothy Howard, right? *I hummed with a brief "Yes!" then the elder female continued* Mr.Howard, my name is Angela Lynch! Your future boss if you pass your interview apparently.- Angela inhaled and exhaled in hoarse way as she permitted herself to cough for second time since the beginning of our phone conversation which annoyed me a bit though I didn't express my pretentions at all.

-It is my enormous pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Angela Lynch!

-It is mine either too, Mr.Howard! Likewise your interview is going to be tomorrow...*puffing a cigarette in this moment* exactly in 11 o'clock in the late morning. I will be awaiting for you inside the kindergarden. Don't worry if you feel lost and sluggish, I am going to be your guide in my facility. 

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