First Children's Christmas

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A month later...

25th of December, 1965

As a month passed as swiftly as the wind, the Christmas day arrived at last. Since the beginning of December, the days were snowy, freezing but embracing the astrological winter with a warm welcome, smiles. Howsoever, they were magnificent, memorable days with its winter vibes.

It was eventually marked more than a year anniversary since Jude and Timothy left the snake pit, Briarcliff, though the immense risk. In the contrary, the former priest who resigned from the church, he proceed in stealthily, daredevil way. Even without being caught by Dr.Arden, nor anyone else who was taking a higher position in the institution. No one was aware of their abscene.

The day before, the couple spent the entire day in the grocery store for ingredients as there were huge queues. They spent 2 hours waiting like rabid dogs, thereafter returning back at home with their children who were always under their eyes since they were nearly 3 months old, marking almost 30 days of their habitation in this world, besides Howards family, welcoming 2 new family members which cannot be replaced with anyone else.

2 more months until the couple marks formally their first wedding anniversary.

Moreover Judy and Timothy spent more time with preparing the Christmas meals and baking rather than with their children, unfortunately. They realised how much time they actually had until Christmas. It wasn't just a day. It was hours. Literally hours.

After a couple of hours of cooking and baking, they served each dish and glass, including silverwaves on the dining table with its blanketing cotton tartan cover over the table. They spent some time with their children even taking care of them, besides celebrating. As an addition, they decorated along the Christmas tree in the first days of December. There were some presents beneath the Christmas tree, located in the living room.

As Timothy woke up first in 6 o'clock on Christmas morning as he wore his cotton pajamas, whilst his wife, Judy was still sleeping as her snoring floated in the entire room as the curtains were opened, penetrating light as illuminating the entire room as Ellie and Tristan were sleeping peacefully, meekly like lambs. Once he glanced at the clock, noting what time it was, he rocked lightly his wife's shoulder as she wore one of his pajamas in the bed. As a result of rocking her shoulder, she opened her eyes as she rubbed them with her petite, brittle fists, a yawn escaping her mouth. Her lips trembled like a thrown rock in a limpid lake.

"Good morning, sweetheart!" The blonde exclaimed as her savage golden hair ruffled all over her blanket, offering a smile as she smiled sacredly.

"Good morning, rare bird!" His lips pressed hers as he held the back of her head, his fingers playing with her soft hair. "Merry Christmas!" He continued with rather beatific voice.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Tim!" She responded simply. "Aren't you excited for today, are you?" The former nun inquired with infant-like, sweet smile. As her smile grew rapidly once she saw her husband's smile shone on his face, in the interim liting her face.

"Of course, I am. Can't you see it?" He responded her enquiry with a giggle as their laziness had already corrupted their bodies, betraying them. Nevertheless the couple had more opportunities to stay in the bed yet, cuddling, talking, kissing and so forth.

"It's indeed visible." She mocked him as they chuckled silently to one another as his elation was pretty obvious. "How about me?"

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