Touring Jude's First Home

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As Agnes and Ellie and Tristan babbled and spoke to one another whilst their mother struggled to put the old, rusty bronze key in the keyhole of the front door, in the interim Timothy dangled his protective, secure arms around Jude's waist as he leant his head forward, planting feather and sweet kisses on the nape of her bare neck as her lukewarm skin felt the warm, loving nape kisses, sending shivers down her body of sweetness and sensual arousal. A couple of steamy, light moans escaped the top of her lungs and her delicious, plump lips as she was unable to focus on flipping the key as her fingers tremebled, whilst relishing the luscious moment. In this time, she sensed her cheeks heating, acquiring its rosy tingle. She didn't want this moment to end but she felt somewhat awkward doing it in front of the children as they were too young and they were far inqusitive to acknowledge such stuff.

He started nibbing her neck with his perfect teeth for his age, his warm breathing tickling her delicate, smooth skin as it played tricks on her as her heart raced. She tied her hair in a messy bun as she was lucky to cherish and enjoy it though it would be sexier if she wore her hair down as she felt his nose tip nuzzling her nape of the neck's skin, buried in her long glossy wavy hair, pecking kisses as their breaths were heavier. 

Fortunately, the children didn't hear the low moans of their mother as they were way too busy with babbling and communicating in infant way with one another. 

"Oh, Timothy! This is so..." She groaned again and again, incapable of resisiting herself as her husband's was a delicate and considerate lover. Her body was betraying her. "...good!" She continued as she spoke with very soft fevered voice, luckily, perceptible for Ellie, Tristan and Agnes. 

"It is..." Timothy was unable to further his sentence as his fingers teased her waist's curves as he whispered in her ear sultrily. "I love you, rare bird!" He forgot what he was about to say as he wanted to smooth out his oblivious foreword.

"I love you too, darling!" She replied back as he carried on to nibble the crook of her neck as she threw her head back, incapable of concetrating on locking the door as her hand managed withdrawal from the bronze key. Jude was beyond absent-minded, lost in Timothy's amorous kisses on her neck.

Shortly after the last light kiss on the crook of her neck, Timothy halted as Jude's folds were already mildly drenched and Timothy was aroused too. Just like her. Moreover, she was able to come to her senses now as her hand timidly was met with the lukewarm, rusty bronze key, flipping it until twice until the door opened by itself after the last key's click. The couple's eyes were met with the frugally furnished living room with slightly tattered red tartan sofa stood against the round wooden table, an old, dusty red rug beneath its sofa and table, an armoire and an antique floral porcelain vase sat on the armoire with its faded magenta peonies and orange marigolds. 

Timothy picked up Agnes from the ground as she was almost two years old toddler, not considering a baby anymore. Whereas Ellie and Tristan were able to walk freely as they stood before their parents' legs as they were mortified by their mother's first home, buried their wee faces in their trousers. 

In the meantime, Jude turned to Ellie and Tristan, facing them as she looked down at them with a genuine, affectionate smile that granted them a hope, natural stimulation without hesitancy. The current place where the twins were with their youngest sibling and parents, was deliriously mysterious, unfamiliar area. Like an undiscovered place in this world. Agnes Jude was even more mortified by the demolishing, unholy scenery. Exuberance of questions span around in their mind as they wanted to pose them immediately, although the scenery was beyond obscure for them, intriguing them than their abstinence of asking right away.

Once they stepped inside, leaving the ajar door open as they moved inside the sufficiently expansive living room, the saturating sun rays bathed the room through the mere medium sized wooden framed window as it was the sole source of light. The pungent stench of stale air taunted their noses as they prefered to clog their noses as they studied the room as Jude toured him then in the kitchen, small en-suite bathroom and the bedroom at last. After touring each room, they became less frightened as they mustered with the conditions as Timothy came with a better idea about a new, fresh change of Jude's first house where she spent her childhood, teenage years and alternatively a slim part of her young adulthood there. Wherever the parents roam, Ellie and Tristan were with them as they accompanied the both adults with one toddler in the former priest's secure, loving arms. 

"I have thought of investing a little part of my wealth in repairing this house." Timothy affirmed lastly as a smug saturing smile waved up across his lips. His heart molted once he realized Jude has such a nice house but he sensed a heartache that tormented him in the same time, due to the horrid conditions as it toppled gradually. They realized how this demolishing house is going to turn in paradise in a matter of days even weeks. He genuinely liked the house so much as he wanted to turn it in a second home for him and his rare bird after their mansion in Boston.

To be continued...

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