A Common Rival 1

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2 weeks later...

20th of February, 1966

The late February with its frigid weather responded to the late winter days as a month remained until spring. The last days even today have been nothing special but with glacial instead of snowy unlike the beginning of the month. The last time when it snowed was in the beginning of February.

Moreover the Howards' family had spent their days with their children especially in their leisure time as Timothy was working in the week days, whilst his wife stayed in home with Ellie and Tristan as they were almost 5 months old babies. They had seen almost every time in the grocery store Valerie and Velika especially Valerie, the young maid. For sadly, they had a few minutes to spend them in brief conversations how are they and so forth. Howsoever, the last time when Jude went shopping in the supermarket, she saw the red-haired woman again as they striked a conversation, as a result leading to an appointment. Mrs.Howard was invited to the Russian family in the weekend. 

The days passed quickly as the both adorable twins grew abruptly with every passing day, besides they enchanted, glistened like stars. Whilst their parents were aging slowly, gradually but aging beautifully as their wisdom was prevailing their physical appeal. 

As Jude was already to leave her home as she wore casual, nonetheless comfy, warm garments, due to her appointment with Ms.Volkova, she said goodbye to her lovely husband, Timothy, and their children, of course. As an addition, Mr.Howard promised his wife to look after them during her abscence. A several seconds before their seperation for a couple of hours, they embraced and kissed one another.

Additionally, the middle aged woman knew already where's exactly located Valerie and Velika's house, thanks to her helpful source. Valerie. 


The young Russian-American maid stopped visiting Casey's apartment as she gave up to being his maid, cleaning after his tobaccos, empty bottles of strong alcohol beverages and messed up hollow. She was currently jobless since the beginning of the month, despite her partner's cardinal contribution in their month budget. But still Velika's salary was decent enough to nourish 3 throats. Inlcuding herself in this number. 

As Velika was first shift at work since the morning, Valerie and Shona stayed at home as the little red-haired girl helped her mother with cleaning and sorting their cosy, sweet, humble home as they expected a visitor quite soon. 

Once they had finished with their chores, cleaning and sorting process, the 1 story house, located nigh the groccery store, was sinking in glamor. No dust on any furniture. No spiderwebs in the corner of the walls. No residues of garbage, eaten food and pollution contacted the floor, the practical carpets and rugs. No dust on the window glasses. No traces of lacking house hygiene. Every room's air was sheer, fresh as a vegetable. Everything was in matter-of-course. 

Whilst Shona was reading a book for adults in her bedroom as she sat in the middle of her bed in yoga position, being surrounded by the loneliness, but the radiant shining sun rays that tied up with her petite hands' skin, her face, her denim overalls with solid iris turtleneck under her overalls, keeping her brittle skeleton warm. Her mother, Valerie was smoking her cigarette in the kitchen as the window's wings were widely opened, purifying the fumy room's air. As she agaped her mouth, in the meantime puffing of her cigarette, a dim escaping her mouth and nostrils like an igneous dragon, a few rings on the front door, followed by mild door taps, enticed the young woman as she sighed a sigh in relief, shrieking "I am coming!" with her husky voice, leaving her unsmoked yet cigarette in the ashtray, exiting the kitchen as she headed directly to the hall, unlocking the door as she saw her invited guest, the former nun, Judy Martin Howard. 

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