New Year 2

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Jude's POV

Once we entered inside the institution, we told to one of the guards that we would like to see Mother Claudia by guiding us if she is either busy or available at this moment, thereafter going upstairs as we headed directly to her office, located on the final floor. While we were inside this snake pit, I was hoping to not see this jerk Dr.Arden. I am hoping he to not recognize me either too. Or even to acknowledge the fact that the former Monsignor is in my company by recognizing him visually.

When we established ourselves on the floor where is located the Mother Superior's office, we walked normally beyond the hall until reaching her office's door, knocking, awaiting for answer until she shrieked with "Yes?!", entering in her office.

Once she allowed us to enter in her office, thus noticing her astonished and timid face that she gave at us, her mouth widely opened, suddenly her radiant and hospitable smile emerged across her soft pink lips. We couldn't help but naturally smile to her as we greeted her whilst carrying in my frail hands the plastic box with the gingerbread cookies. Also she stood, accordingly being amused by having visitors especially former employers of Briarcliff. 

-Hello Claudia! - Once she approached us, we embraced each other warmly and firmly in the same time. We greeted her politely. 

-Oh hello, dear God's children! -The older nun saluted us in gracious way, therefore letting us to take a sit against her desk. 

-Happy New Year again!

-Thank you, Judy and Timothy! Happy new year once again to you too! *nodding our heads with large smiles across our cold lips.* What a surprise to see both of you here! What brings you here? - She enquired puzzled, her both hands placed upon her desk as me and my future husband were sitting next to each other. 

-We wanted to see you! And...*demonstrating the box with the baked gingerbread cookies* here is something remarkable for you, Mother Superior. - I handed the box with the delicious baked sweets as she extended one of her arms so that to grasp it by opening the box, watching them with an infantile smile that appeared.

-Oooooh cookies! Just for me? *she stared at us with gleeful and gruesome face during this moment nodding our heads in agreement modestly* Aww, that is so kind and sweet of your side! Thank you for this one. I am going to taste them.

-You are welcome anytime. I assure you that you are going to like them, Claudia! - Timothy told to the Mother Superior with tranquil and cheerful voice in the same time whilst holding, cupping in his hand my hand, exactly hand for hand, feeling the warm and gentle sensation.

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