Apology 1

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The next day...

5th of July, 1966

The day before was wonderful not only for Jude and the children themselves, besides for Timothy. As they had the opportunity to celebrate the 4th of July with their creativity that prevailed their stress, dark thoughts. They were rather positively tuned yesterday. But what would happen today especially to Mrs.Howard when she bumps into her friend's house to have a discussion with the both female adults face-to-face. Without holding back any detail. Better the directness and cook its person's goose rather than the arcane, purposeful hush looms relucantly.

Whilst Jude was home alone with her precious little angels, Ellie and Tristan, as her husband Timothy was working in the kindergarden, she was reading an interesting book, taken from one of the bookshelves in the library on the 2nd floor. Her body utterly relaxed on the goth leather sofa as she wore her mint polka dot dress as apart of her cleavage was exposed. Her long, slender, creamy legs slightly spreaded as her bare feet rested on the couch's arm. Holding in one hand the book as her eyes glued to the yellowish pages of the book, her hazel eyes enthusiasted by every phrase that was being scanned, readen, assimilated, moving on forward. Head resting behind her arm as it poised her head position.

In the interim, Ellie and Tristan were playing with their toys on the carpeted floor, babbling and syllabling unfinished words and names which were heart pleasing for their mother, of course. Every time she heard their amorous, adorable infant voices, floating in the room with life, her lips curling into a sunny, merry smile as her heart raced, bring it back to life after abiding lifeless of the numbing silence, losing herself in the world of the literature. Likewise, she kept an eye on them in case if something goes out of the predictable.

The book she was currently reading was actually a criminal one as she was curious, to discover much different world. In the criminal literature as she hadn't readen such a book genre for decades. Perhaps since her late teens. By the way, the book grabbed her since its commencement for her surprise. She had been reading it for a handful of hours, almost revoking her eyes off every page that was in front of her with exception to look after the twins. Luckily, the book wasn't as addictive as her family and her affection towards the most important things in her life.

As she paged through per a page of the book in a few minutes, all of a sudden the retro phone rang as it taunted her to sigh frustratedly when she established herself in the most intriguing part of the book, leaving the book away especially upon the coffee table, getting from the couch whilst her children totally ignored the phone's ringing noises which were pretty common either daily or a couple of times a week. She walked up to the phone's location as her bare feet contacted the lukewarm floor until she gripped the handset, holding it behind either of her ears as she tucked her golden hair behind her tiny ear, answering directly the phone.

"Hello?" She echoed through the handset, awaiting for response, whilst glimpsing at Ellie and Tristan, smiling to them.

"Hello, rare bird." A similar masculine voice replied back as her smile grew rapidly, instantly formed on her shining face.

"Oh hi, sweetheart." She was beyond gleeful to hear her husband's sweet voice though he is supposed to be recently busy. "Aren't you supposed to be busy?" She played it like a silly as she enquired.

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