Return To Salem 1

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The late night hours approached as the abundance of twinkling stars adorned the lucid nocturnal sky.

Lana couldn't be more proud with herself and the success she achieved in the last days especially after filming with her crew the documentary that peaked with millions of viewers in less than 24 hours and now...the article about the ill-famed priest Father McKenzie who fled in attempt to evade the authorities' questions and investigation just a day after the documentary aired on the television. She wanted to open the viewer's eyes. To behold the reality. To figure out the sole truth that predominated. Not only about the abominations behind the demolishing Boston's shame walls, moreover about the infamous juvenile man of the cloth.

She has just put to sleep her own son Johnny, wrapping him up warmly in a cotton blanket. The ambitious, persistent journalist had just took a fresh, hot shower and changed herself in convenient pyjamas, hugging her slender body.

Once she left the bathroom and had dressed up herself for bedtime, the brunette went up to the kitchen, drinking a last glass of fresh, cool water just before going to bed. The moonlight illuminated partly her spacious, snug kitchen, seating on the chair in the left end of the kitchen table, watching out the window at the other tall facades.

The middle aged lady took a deep breath after sipping some water, relishing the night's tranquility, sending shvers down her spine of pleasure and spiritual peace. She hasn't been in such peace for a long time. Further, she hasn't experienced such an amorous, serene moment especially spending it by herself since Lana left Briarcliff.

Little did she know what awaits her tomorrow. The mere stuff like every day. Paparazzi, fans of her and journalists crowding her compact, howsoever, luxurious apartment in the morning on her way to work. Nevertheless, Ms. Winters opted to eschew from them as much as she could, scarcely delivering them a commentary on their questions and comments. Whether they were controversial or just ordinary ones.

A handful of hours ago after she came back at home and paid the babysitter of her son for looking after him, she received a phone call by one of her old friends Kit, discussing together about her one of the most successful days ever in her journalistic career.


A few hours ago

"Sweetheart, aren't you hungry?" Lana enquired her son who seated on the edge of the queen sized bed, reading a children book, his hands occupied with being wrapped around the book's covers. Johnny couldn't take his eyes off the interesting book that grabbed his attention instantly.

"No, Mommy! Nana had already gave me a chocolate bar." The young boy explained plainly, in the interim the single mother leant down as she kissed his forehead, her chestnut eyes shifted to the book pages, peeping what literature he was reading in this moment.

"Oh." Lana gasped as she couldn't oppress the smile that rapidly grew on her fresh, still youthful face. "It looks like nana is spoiling you." She said mockingly.

"Not at all." He answered dryly as Johnny couldn't resist the smile that loomed across his lips, meanwhile Lana sat alongside him, glancing at the book as her warm, reassuring chocolate eyes were darted to her little angel.

"Alright! Do you like the book?" She posed the question affably, drastically changed the topic switching it from Johnny's babysitter to books.

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