Briarcliff Exposed

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A month later...

11th of October, 1969

Within month, events even the time boated quickly in the abysmal space, leaving track of memories. 

The autumn days approached as the crispy, abstractly beauteous, multicoloured leaves slumped down as they blanketed every inch of Boston's fields. The days were rainy, somber. The solid, shadowy clouds swimming in the sky, concealing the saturating sun. Per a handful of days, swarm of millions of gushing down crystal rain drops assaulted everything below, soaking them. 

The first days in the kindergarten of Ellie and Tristan were tough especially for the younger twin as he tended to adapt readily difficult to the society and communicate with other peers. He spent the rest of his time in the kindergarten by being concatenating with his slightly older sister twin and Kaitlyn as they were played with one another only. The other children viewed them as weird especially Kaitlyn and Tristan. Crucially because Kaitlyn inherited some significant facial features of her father such as mingling its hair color with her mother and father's one. Furthermore, her mother was unwed, single, raising on her own an illegimitate child. The other kindergarteners were already alerted via one rumor that was passed that her negligent father's a priest, working in a mental hospital and exceedingly recognized for his wrongdoings and crimes. Further, Tristan was rejected by his peers because he proned to be hushing and introvert boy, who was clinged to Ellie and Sally. 

Subsequently, the kindergarten days were better not just only for the twins, but also for Kaitlyn. There were some of kindergarteners who overlooked the rumors as they didn't care what the others gossiped behind the Howards twins and the oracle's daughter. Their self-esteem rapidly boosted as soon as they made new friends and socialized with other children. Jude, Timothy and Sally couldn't be more contended, in fact, their children are commencing slowly to extend their inner circle with more acquaintances. Little did they know how overwhelming it was. Spiritually. Rendering them even prouder parents. Initially, Mrs.Johnson was peculiarly stern. With the approaching days, the novice kindergarteners mustered with her manners and demeanor as they tolerated her. 

Whilst the Howards twins and Kaitlyn are improving brilliantly in the kindergarten, Shona was constantly with Julia and Thomas at school, uniting as an alliance altogether and they particularly ignored the bullies as Frank confronted them whenever he can and witnessed a heated conflict between schoolers. The first school days were a downright nightmare especially for Shona. Fortunately, there was a Gurdian angel who stood for Shona and Kit's children.


4th of September, 1969

"Hey, red-haired weirdo!" One of the bullies from Shona's class attempted to catch her attention, stalking her amokingly though the young girl ignored her classmate. The bully's undertone was obnoxiously vigorous, aloof, besides he sticked out his tongue at her. The red-haired girl walked up to the tree as she preferred to spend with Julia and Thomas her valuable time rather than futily wasting it by facing hooligans. 

Likewise Shona sped up to the Kit's children as their eyes chased their buddy, joining them as she seated on the grass, honing a triangle along. Anyway the bully didn't give up as he opted to catch either of their attention, taunting them with defiant, bland comments. They were far from obtuse to comprehend its consequences if they otherwise reacted to the aggressor's instinctive impulsivity. They knew right away the most sapient choice was to ignore him like he has never existed ever before. He was just like a phantom, roaming around the yard like a lost, ancient soul. 

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