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After the entire family had a scrumptious dinner though they ate in silence, due to the turmoil that took its place yesterday, Jude rushed with finishing her dish as well and get back in the bed to rest until her downhearted condition improves as soon as possible and it was her final day in London with her husband and children. 

She just laid in her bed, reading a classic literature by sitting on the bed as the thick silken wine red blanket blanketed almost every inch of her body that was clothed in black satin nightie, mildly above the knees. 

Agnes and the twins were already gathered in the children's room and wrapped up warmly to sleep after being bathed and their garments were changed after dinner. 

Anna watered the flowerbeds in the grand yard, whilst Daniel was having a grave discussion with Julietta and Timon in the living room and John was with Timothy in Daniel's bedroom, rummaging for additional piece of evidence that has to do with his abhorring actions the day before. 

A half an hour later after the blonde got weary of reading, she left the book on the left nightstand as a door tap caught her attention immediately, evoking plainly:

"Yes? Come in." 

In the meanwhile, Anna, Jude's sister-in-law stepped up in the couple's bedroom, closing the door in front of her, wearing a sheepish, sympathetic smile, honed up in the corner of her naturally rosy-coloured lips.

"Oh hi, Anna!"

"Hi Judy! Is your mood improving?" The slightly younger woman enquired concerned, approaching the king-sized bed by seating on the edge of it.

"A bit better than before." The former pious woman confessed truthfully, sighing a sigh of relief as she took her sister-in-law's smooth, petite hand into her. "It's for now."

"I am relieved you have a little improvement. Nonetheless, it's still worrying you are in the bed almost the whole day with a few exceptions as well." The brunette replied anxiously, grasping the blonde's hand as she placed her sole free hand on her chest, feeling her hammering heart in her chest.

"I don't want to see this disgust predator," The former sister of the church muttered out as she fixed on her hazelish-brown eyes on Anna's hazel orbs, wiping her vaguely sweaty forehead with the back of her hand. "Don't get me wrong, please!"

"I am not getting you wrong, dear! You shouldn't be worried at all." The younger lady attempted to reassure her brother's wife in velvety voice. "At least, you are leaving tomorrow with Tim and your lovely rays of sunshine."

"I know how much I am going to miss you but I will be fine once I am home." 

"You should rest and not pressure yourself with overthinking about the attempted rape yesterday." Her thumb kneaded the back of Jude's creamy, elvish hand. "All you need is to think about something else. Not recall this accident."


"Rare bird?" Timothy addressed her very softly, looking up at his exceedingly vulnerable, impotent wife, whose hands were covering her face, concealing her puffy, rufescent eyes as she couldn't suppress the sore feeling of staying in the bed almost for the entire day by getting from it for a handful of occasions. Wry, crystal tears streamed down her pale cheeks as Timothy clasped his muscular, strong arms around her upper back, pulling her in a tight, comforting hug as his chin rested on the top of her head. "Is anything wrong?" He furthered with his inquiry. 

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